What bird is this? (audio recording) in Brisbane

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Wuffybrother's picture
What bird is this? (audio recording) in Brisbane

Hi, could anyone tell me what bird this is? It sounds very similar to the sound recording below. I live in North Brisbane if it helps, and the bird does its call every now and then in the day and in the night.

It is a clear, short whistling sound: http://beyond-ninja.com/downloads/IMGP2525.WAV

Thanks in advance :)

Andy's picture

That sounds very much like a Common Koel. They are around Brisbane at the moment, and call during the day and night.

Wuffybrother's picture

Thank you very much Andy that's exactly it!

Araminta's picture

Yes Andy, it had to be a bird we don't get down here in Vic, I have never heard the sound before.


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