What bird makes this nest?

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kyrani99's picture
What bird makes this nest?

I was cutting down some very tall gunea grasses and behind them some tall leaves of ginger plants and I heard some squeeling but I couldn't see what the problem was. There was a lot of thin vine holding up the ginger plant leaves. When I pulled them down I found this nest. I felt very upset to see that I had cut down the leaves that supported it but there were no birds inside.

I am in Cairns near the edge of the Whitfield ranges in North Queensland. I found the nest months ago.

Does anyone know what birds build these nests? Thanks.

SteveM's picture

I think it's a Finch nest, whatever are regular in your area, maybe Red-browed Finch, Crimson Finch or Nutmeg Mannikin. Most Finches have similar nests.

kyrani99's picture

Thanks. I started to search about finches and I found this page http://www.birdschack.com/articles/strawberry-finch-breeding.php

on it there is a nest that looks like it but I am holding it up but in the picture the wispy bits are in front as an entrance. I haven't seen any finches so far but if they are nesting then I guess I'll see them at some time.Thanks again.

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