What do Honeyeaters include in their diets

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aussiedavid's picture
What do Honeyeaters include in their diets


The link above entiled Death by Honeyeater gives a glimpse into the variety of things, in this case, the Singing Honeyeater, include in their daily food intake. Thank to this little fella the grape vines are free of about a hundred caterpillars.

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Annie W
Annie W's picture

It's fascinating isn't it.  A year ago I would have thought Honeyeaters only ate honey (well nectar etc).  But I guess it only makes sense (to me now anyway wink) that a food source of protein also is vital for feather growth especially.  Thanks for sharing the link David!

West Coast Tasmania

aussiedavid's picture

You are more than welcome Ruby. The more information, of birds, I capture the more in awe I find myself of these delightful creatures. It also serves to remind me that we think too much of ourselves at times and forget the mass on inteligent life around us and that it is more inteligent than we think! Cheers david

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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