Which Cormorant?

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shoop's picture
Which Cormorant?

I'm a little confused on this/these Cormorant as first I thought Pied Cormorant due to the size but it doesn't appear to have right colour marking of the yellow and pink on the face. But looks too big for Little Pied Cormorant.

Elsie's picture

It looks right for a Pied cormorant to me?smiley I understand what you mean about the colours, but I haven't a clue what it is?!cheeky

I love the photos by the way!

rawshorty's picture

Looks like a Pied to me.

Shorty......Canon gear



ihewman's picture

Pied Cormorant has trousers (only when breeding)... you can see that your birds have pants on. LP Cormorant doesn't wear pants at all!

Brandon (aka ihewman)

ihewman's picture

Pied Cormorant has trousers (only when breeding)... you can see that your birds have pants on. LP Cormorant doesn't wear pants at all!

Brandon (aka ihewman)

ihewman's picture

Pied Cormorant has trousers (only when breeding)... you can see that your birds have pants on. LP Cormorant doesn't wear pants at all!

Brandon (aka ihewman)

ihewman's picture

Whoops!!! Sorry, not meant to happen.

Brandon (aka ihewman)

shoop's picture

Brandon i think you hit the nail on the head with the pants cheekyyes well done and thankyou. Thankyou to everyone else too for their comments we are all in favour for the Pied !

Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.

SteveM's picture

In my opinion they are all Little Pied Cormorants, due to lack of yellow spot in front of eye, short bill & the lack of black thighs (trousers) in most of them.
Re the black thighs - my understanding is Pied Cormorants have black thighs at all ages, & only juvenile Little Pied have black thighs.
Quote from HANZAB Vol.1 page 819, under Similar Species for Pied Cormorant - " Little Pied Cormorant much smaller with short stubby yellowish bill, much longer tail and, in adults no black thigh-patch". So based on that, the lack of a black thigh-patch is diagnostic of Little Pied.

ihewman's picture

Ah, I think I have figured it out! The bird in the first two photos (assuming it is the same bird) is a Black-faced Cormorant, if you live south of Perth... it has a fully black bill and BF Cormorant also has trousers. And in the third photo, a group of Little Pied Cormorants identified by the yellow lower mandible. BTW, Pied Cormorants have just a light coloured bill.

Brandon (aka ihewman)

ihewman's picture

No, wait make them all Little Pied Cormorants... a second look at those first photos and I have changed my mind.

Brandon (aka ihewman)

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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