Whistling Kites duels

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laza's picture
Whistling Kites duels

On my way down south on Tuesday I happen to spot this spectacle on Beach near Busselton.

Sadly lot of the action was out to sea as these birds seem to be recreating the Battle of Britain :)

Woko's picture

Marvellous shots, laza. And a wonderful spectacle. I wonder if this was a battle or a social event (although I realise sometimes the two overlap!).

Amson's picture

Wonderful photos. It must have been so interesting to watch.

HelloBirdy's picture

Oh wow. Must have been thrilling to see it!

Aiming for DSLR-quality shots with a bridge camera


What a sight ! - great photos of the action . Very nicely captured against the blue sky. 

I have seen 5 whistling kites doing this - my impression was it was a social activity or maybe just plain fun.

laza's picture

Thanks for the kind comments,

I had never seen this many kites involved in such an activity though my impression it was a social activity

Dont take life too seriously, it never ends well

Devster's picture

Wow what a site. How lucky for you it happened while you were there and had your camera with you. Great pics, Thanks for sharing.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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