White-throated Gerygone

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clif2's picture
White-throated Gerygone

I saw this small little bird feeding amongst some Silvereyes and didn't have a clue what it was until I looked it up and believe it is a Yellow Thornbill, I have never seen a Thornbill in the wild so it was a surprise.  "CORRECTION"   I still haven't seen a Thornbill this is a White-throated Gerygone, sorry for the confusion. Thanks Pacman and Owen for clearing this up.

pacman's picture


the white throat suggests to me a White-throated Gerygone

this would be confirmed if there is a red eye and white spot on the forehead


clif2's picture

Thanks Peter I appreciate your help, I have never seen a Gerygone or a Thornbill before today so I may definately have this wrong so any corrections are appreciated. I don't recall seeing a white spot or a red eye and it was a tiny bird even smaller than the Silvereyes it was with. I will put up a couple more photos  for a help with an ID. The bird seems to have  brown eyes.



Maureen's picture

Lucky you managed to capture a pic of the cute little bird.

clif2's picture

Thanks Maureen, I am glad I got lucky as well.



Woko's picture

Hi Clif. There are yellow thornbills around our place quite often & they don't look a lot like the bird in your photo. The yellow thornbill has striations below & behind the eyes & it doesn't have a pale throat.  

clif2's picture

Thanks Woko, I should probably move this to the ID section, unless someone can tell me what it is or If Peter still thinks it's A Gerygone. After looking at a photo of a White-throated Gerygone it looks similar except for the red eye and white forehead, but apparently the juvenile doesn't have the white forehead and is entirely yellow underneath like my photo, but I am not sure about the eye colour of the juveniles.



Owen1's picture

Nice shots of a White-throated Gerygone. The red eye is quite normal Shane.

I've been wanting to see one for ages.

Cheers, Owen.

clif2's picture

Thanks for your ID and comments Owen, a new sighting for me so I am happy.



Karen's picture

Well done Shane.  Where did you find this little one?

Brisbane southside.

clif2's picture

When you go past the second lagoon (the one with the big gum tree and a seat under it) and cross a little stream which then opens up into grassland, the cement path forks straight ahead and to the right, at this point on this corner there is a grassy track off to the left which heads round to the back of the lagoon, right at the beginning of the grass track there is a crop of small trees and it was at the top of those. I watched it through the lens for quite some time before I could get a photo as it was darting in and out of the thicket. This is a good spot early as the birds can forage and get some sun as well. I am not sure I said where in the OP, It was at Riverdale Park.



Karen's picture

Yes, I know where you mean, Shane.  We went up the grassy track one day when we were trying to see what butterflies inhabited the area.  A lot of small birds in that area, but I've never seen what they are.  Too quick.  The big gum with the seat by it, and nearby area, is home to many red back wrens and the superb wrens.  In Spring, the grasses seem to be alive with little birds doing mouse hops from the undergrowth.

Brisbane southside.

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