On a Wing and a Prayer - ABC Tues 13th March

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Holly's picture
On a Wing and a Prayer - ABC Tues 13th March

Hi all

Just wanted to draw your attention to a doco that will be airing on March 13th on ABC at 8:30. Entitled 'On a Wing and a Prayer' - this documentary is about the plight of Carnaby's Black Cockatoos in Western Australia. See the trailer below:


ScottTas's picture

Thanks for the info :)



clif2's picture

Thanks Holly, looks like another tearjerker but a must watch, pity the people that create these issues aren't watching.



Holly's picture

Another article about the show (which debuts tomorrow night). I am looking forward to it.

Correa's picture

Beautiful doco, am watching right now!

Woko's picture

Ms Woko recorded this documentary & I'll watch it again. It was superb. The efforts of the wildlife staff, landowners & others to try to ensure the Carnaby's black cockatoo avoids extinction are wonderful. The only gap in the programme was the absence of any exploration of the impact of development around Perth on Carnaby's black cockatoo. It would be interesting to know the reason for this.


Thanks Holly, possibly one of the best documentaries I have seen, I liked it that much I went to the ABC shop yesterday and bought it.

birdie's picture

Holly I have to agree with everyone else..... Tassie sent me a link to this as I hadnt been on here and I couldn't stop watching it. I used to live in Perth for about 20 years and we had red tailed black in great numbers regularly shredding our tall Jarrahs on our bush block. I was shocked and saddened to see the plight of the carnabys .... these wildlife people are amazing and it was suich a privilege to see inside the hollow etc .... I could watch it over and over .

Sunshine Coast Queensland

doublebar's picture

Guys l know this is an old thread but just as relevant today as it was then. l just found out that the unscrupulous politicians are going for the trees that this species feeds on, property developers need the land to squeeze more people in, making its survival even more precarious. We all need to make a big and constant fuss no matter what state you live in, its survival depends on you speaking up, otherwise it's all lost.

For Australian birds, natives=life, exotics=death, so do them a favour and go plant some natives and save their lives.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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