Zebra Finches

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rjwaring's picture
Zebra Finches

At the moment there are Zebra Finches in their thousands throughout Central Australia. The below are just some of them I've photographed recently.

Meave's picture

What great photos. Lovely little birds aren't they? You have some nice close-ups there. If you are on the Barkley Hwy (Three Ways end about 30 or so km ( I think) from the Stuart Hwy) there is a rest area which is very pleasant, lots of birds and Zebra finches and Diamond doves by the thousands. A man in Tennant Creek apparently looks after it, there are some drinking troughs and also a large dam.(We were there in September but the finches and doves seem to be resident)


rjwaring's picture

Hi Maeve, The second and third photos are from that same spot. Could see the trough but not the dam. Not quite so many Diamond Doves there from what you mention, still a few, but a lot of Kites, Black and Whistling. Thanks for your comments and lovely shots of the finches and doves you have added. Cheers, Richard

I've succumbed to the birding bug!
Alice Springs, NT

Karen's picture

I've never seen Zebra finches in the wild, and the numbers are amazing.  Great to see they are thriving.

Brisbane southside.

rjwaring's picture

Hi Karen, time to pack the bags and head into the outback, apart from this week which is around 39 degrees, the weather will be wonderful and all the birds are thriving with all the rain. Regardless of where you are, there are always birds. Enjoy, Richard

I've succumbed to the birding bug!
Alice Springs, NT

birdie's picture

Lovely shots Richard of what must be an awesome specacle to watch..... the advantage of living in the centre of our beautiful country

There is something incredible about birds en masse isn't there?

Sunshine Coast Queensland

ScottTas's picture

Beautiful photos, can't wait to get into the centre again. Thanks for sharing,



fonexic's picture

oooo, my god

very nice

these birds are very lovly birds.

we (in iran) keeps these birds in cage.

i have several pairs in cage. i love them very much

you austrailians have a very nice nature and wild

thanks for sharing

Araminta's picture

Wow fonexic, nice to hear from you.You could show us what your favourite bird in Iran is?yes


fonexic's picture

we keep some songbirds in cage. for example: canary, zebra finch, budgerigars, myna, parrots, etc

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