This bird was trying to join pair of Eastern Rosellas but was ignored. Hat Head NP NSW last November.
It looks like a domestic escapee. probably an Indian ring-neck Parrot they can be different colours
I agree with Elsie, it's an aviary escapee, Ring-necked Parakeet, aka Indian Ringneck, aka Rose-ringed Parakeet. Natural colour is mostly green, but in the pet trade they come in many colours.Potentially an invasive species.
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It looks like a domestic escapee. probably an Indian ring-neck Parrot they can be different colours
I agree with Elsie, it's an aviary escapee, Ring-necked Parakeet, aka Indian Ringneck, aka Rose-ringed Parakeet. Natural colour is mostly green, but in the pet trade they come in many colours.Potentially an invasive species.