The first head appears (SHE baby that is)

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aussiedavid's picture
The first head appears (SHE baby that is)

For a bit more info check reply to RubyE in the first post. ad

Annie W
Annie W's picture

Oh my word, but that's a cute peek!  Fingers crossed as they get bigger they peek out even more and more for "Uncle David"  lol. yeslaugh

West Coast Tasmania

windshear's picture

Awww, so exciting!! :)

aussiedavid's picture

Sadly the little one did not make it. No idea what happened, we had three days of heavy rain and very strong gusty wind which prevented filming the next clear day a dead baby. ad

windshear's picture

frown Sad to hear that AD. I guess their lives are so very fragile when they're so young.sad

aussiedavid's picture

Thank you windshear, we need to be realistic not all young (of all kinds) make it safely into the 'bigger world'. We were able to share part of it. At least one adult is still around so there may be a second chancesmiley. ad

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