What a good day ! As I was on my way out, I saw something dark and blue in a tree. Wow, I happened to have my camera under my arm (that’s where it lives). The first Satin Bowerbird on my property. The other photos I have were taken at my friend’s place just 5 km up the road. He’s had them for years, but for me this is the first. When I turned around, there was a Rufous Whisteler and two little Brown Thornbills. Well, all of that made for a brilliant day, even if the Bowerbird photos could be better, the bird was high up in the trees. Next time, who knows?
A good day !
Mon, 15/09/2014 - 16:34

A good day !
A real thrill, Aramina!
Wonderful to see a new visitor to your garden. Hope you see more of him.
Love your photos.
Lovely photos! How exciting to have him visit your garden! I hope that he stays around
Lovely shots of the whistler, is he a Rufous whistler or an Olive whistler?
Thanks Elsie, he is a Rufous Whistler. He behaves a little bit different to the Golden Whistlers, twice now I found him a lot closer to the ground in shrubs rather than high in the trees.
Just out of curiosity would it be a female Rufous Whistler?
I asked myself the same question. Number 1 , 2 & 3 were one and the same male, but there were two birds , and 4 could be the second bird? If you'd ask me now, I'd say both are male. Let's see what others think?
If you have a look at my Rufous whistler it has a coloured front with white bib.
Looks totally different to yours. Thats why I thought yours was a female.
Oh, you are so right there, how could I get it so wrong? Thanks for letting me know. And that after I posted a photo of an OLIVE WHISTLER two weeks ago. Of course it is an Olive Whistler. I hang my head in shame. Sorry, mea culpa.
I should have listened to Elsie , she spotted my mistake too
Stunning photos anyway
Have you seen the bower bird again? It would be so nice for him to stay in your garden
Happens to the best of us.
I recently did my first canvas print of a Variegated Fairy Wren for my nana who is 95 and on her last innings.
I even put the name of the bird in big facy letters accross the top as she has trouble seeing.
She loved it!
Only I found out the night after I printed it, that it was a Superb Fairy Wren not a Variegated.
Put some little pieces of blue stuff around so he can pinch them. That might get him down closer so you can get to know him.(and take a few snaps to boot)
What a good idea Richard, why didn't I think of it? Must be getting old
Will try tomorrow.
Yes - but, of course, be careful what you leave out!!!

I'm thrilled to see that in the last few weeks the plastic milk-bottle manufacturers have changed the design of their tops so that this doesn't happen!
Er yes. Definitely consider what an unwitting bird, maddened by lust, may become entangled in.
Na na you two, you have given me some more ideas, I'll be hanging some of my blue nickers in the trees.Will I have to cut them into smaller pieces
, so they will please his girls?
(better stop now, otherwise.......)
Came out a bit small.
Should Read,"Hey have you heard about Araminta cutting up all her Blue knickers to attract a Satin Bowerbird?"
You're kidding me!
Samford Valley Qld.