this needs clarification

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thick_knee's picture
this needs clarification

My last comment , but the “most important” one. I would have liked to see Holly retract her statement that I made “claims/accusations” . In her answer to me , when questioned, Holly said she deleted what I said because I named someone’s name. I do not consider that a “claim” nor is it an “accusation”. This needs to be clarified here, as I feel treated unfairly and the statement is damaging to my reputation and gives me a bad name.

I hope to get a response on here, and won’t simply be deleted within minutes, by doing so I will be prevented from being heard and will have no way of defending myself.

I'm giving Araminta the oportunity to speak up. She deserves clarification.

Holly's picture

Thick-knee araminta has emailed me privately and I haven't had the chance to respond yet. There was no need to post this.

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