? new bird in b/yard

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boblatimer's picture
? new bird in b/yard

size of small pigeon

fawn striped back and tail

yellow spot and black head  sorry i don't own camera

forgot phone camera sorry

attacked by noisy mi

ners they come every where to attack  then kookaburras

Woko's picture

Hi, Bob. A little more information would help with identification.

Where in Australia did you see this bird?

Where was the yellow spot?

Where was the bird in relation to the vegetation in your backyard? In the tree canopy? In a shrub? On the ground? 

What was the bird doing? Feeding on blossoms? Foraging for insects? Fossicking for mistletoe berries? 

How long & what shape & color was the bill? 

Were there any wing markings? What colour?

What sort of call did the bird make? Soft & melodious? Sharp trill? Loud cackle? 

What colours were the underparts? 

Close observation of these & other characteristics are always helpful in identifying birds. Collecting this information means you don't necessarily have to have a camera for identifying birds although photos are undoubtedly helpful.

boblatimer's picture

Yellow on top of head1centimetre across2to3long black either side of yellow  body chest lite grey dark and brown striping tail and lower body .small beak thick at base  

 Erina N S W .loadpeircing call.

Wollemi's picture

Hi Bob,

I am wondering if what you saw was maybe a Dusky Moorhen.


If not, would you say it has a similar body shape to the dusky moorhen, or what bird that you are familiar with is it shaped like?

Woko's picture

Thanks for the more detailed information, Bob.

Was this bird near water, foraging on the ground or gleaning beetles from tree bark?

timmo's picture

A masked lapwing is the only thing I can think of that fits that description. Is this it?


boblatimer's picture

borrowed readers digest the only bird very close was a  cookoobars/strips tail and back matched . many thanks to all who repleid.

timmo's picture

Thanks for the update Bob.

I did think of fan-tailed cuckoo with the barring, but the yellow head bit put me off.


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