spotted pardalotes

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Gina's picture
spotted pardalotes

A family of spotted pardalotes nested in my coconut fibre lined hanging basket. Adults and young remained for a few days then left two weeks ago. Now two adults seemed to be reusing the hole entrance with twigs and rebuilding .Do they have two hatchings in a season ? 

soakes's picture

Very good question, but ... lucky you!

I had some nesting in an old tree in my yard once, but they don't come back now.

They often nest in holes they make in banks.

Olinda, Victoria, Australia

dwatsonbb's picture

Hi Gina, agree lucky you. According to the Michael Morcombe app, they often have 2 broods in a season, so yes is the simple answer. Wish them good luck from all of us here!

Dale Huonville, Tasmania

Lightuningbird's picture

I notest straited pardalotes in the back paddock, they nest in the same tree every year. Even after a quarter of the tree fell in terrible winds, AND rafter cutting down the remaining tree (not the nesting tree) as it became dangerous. Crazy things, quite brave I say.

Wimmera mally region, Vic.

Woko's picture

It seems StriatedPardalotes will tolerate a lot of nearby interference.

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