I don't have any pics yet as I haven't been able to see it. But over the past few weeks, high up in our Liquidamber there has been an unseen bird - we just hear its call. My husband heard it for the first time today but I've heard it several times now. When I get closer to the tree it stops and goes quiet - no movement, doesn't seem to fly away - if it has, I haven't seen it. The tree is very leafy so it's possible it might be flying away on the opposite side of the tree.
The sound is deep, rather grating, almost like a croak but not quite. Am wondering what it might be.
I saw a raptor for the first time about 3 or 4 weeks ago - a Collared Sparrowhawk and that was the first time I heard the noise. The Sparrowhawk was on the ground but this sound was in the tree. I was wondering if it was a mate or something but from what I can find out about their bird call, it's nothing like this deep croaky grating.
Any suggestions on what it might be?
Sounds like a brushtail possum to me.
During the daytime? And I would have thought I'd see a brushtail possum as they're quite large. I'll have to keep an eye out as I've heard this sound several times now. I'll let you know when I find out.
Selby, Victoria
Hi, at my place, what makes a noise like that., is one of the 600 Koalas the DSE stupidly released into the Bunyip State Park. We had one in our trees last week, they are everywhere, they even wander down Main street in Gembrook. They just put up signs to warn about them. But you wouldn't have any of those where you live?
Gee, it would be cool to have a Koala here but I doubt very much that's what it is. If it were, it would be up a gum tree and not the liquidamber I believe and an animal that large I'd be able to see amongst the foliage. I doubt very much we'd see any here in Selby. Gee, I hope the poor things are ok - you'd think they'd release them further away from populated areas. But then again Bunyip is a long way away from here. I had heard that there were Koalas near Gembrook though, so they're probably from a different group.
Selby, Victoria
They are all from the same group, they released them in 250 lots at the same time, around Gembrook and Kirth Kiln. (close to where I live) The Koalas face huge problems, because the trees here are not the same they are used to eat on French Island, and they find it hard to digest them. They wander the roads, a large number turns up in people's gardens, get attacked by dogs, often get run over by cars. The one in the photo even had a tag, she was the skinny one with a young, I talked about before, nobody from Wildlife Victoria bothered to come and have a look at her.
That is sad. There's a group on Facebook that I follow that are desperately trying to save and protect Koalas and lobby the govt and then this type of thing happens. Not good.
Selby, Victoria
The best possible interpretation of this dopey event, Araminta, is tha the bureaucrats were ordered to relocate the koalas by the politicians. Politicians of varying stripes just don't get it when it comes to the environment.
My first thought for your bird sound was a Dollarbird. They have a weird call, kind of grating... Have a listen and see what you think. Not sure if you'd get them where you are or not, I don't know where that is...
That could be it Scott! The sound we heard was a bit deeper in sound but it's definitely a very similar sound to what we heard. I'd not heard of that bird before. But I'll be keeping my eyes and ears open for possible sightings. I've read up on it too - if that is what it is, it won't be around for much longer, maybe a couple of weeks before going back to New Guinea for the winter.
Selby, Victoria
Finally found out what it was. Saw a black/grey cockatoo shaped bird fly overhead and land at the top of the gumtree next door. I went to have a closer look and that's when I heard the grating sound in another tree nearer to me. I looked up and could see it was another cockatoo, this time with a red head. Knew immediately it was a Gang-Gang. A third was in another tree. The male flew over to the tree where the female was. Couldn't see what the third was. I got some distant shots of the male and female but when I moved closer to get better shots, all three flew away. But now at least I know what that sound was. Can't say I've heard their sound before.
Selby, Victoria
Glad you worked it out and happy you have a pair to visit you - they do have a unique call - it is described as a creaky door and I agree with that.
"the earth is not only for humans, but for all animals and living things."
It almost sounds like they're saying c-r-r-a-a-k-k and low tone. Glad I worked it out anyway. Will now know what to look for when I hear the sound.
Selby, Victoria
It almost sounds like they're saying c-r-r-a-a-k-k and low tone. Glad I worked it out anyway. Will now know what to look for when I hear the sound.
Selby, Victoria