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Thanks to everyone who has taken part in our Birds in Backyards surveys for the Summer period! You’re helping us build a long-term dataset of species patterns across the country. 

A big thank you to all our Backyard Birders who, on top of the Aussie Bird Count, also did their Birds in Backyards Spring surveys.

1663 surveys came in across 603 locations and a lovely spread from towns and cities across Australia.

Sometimes creating a habitat garden can feel overwhelming! It doesn’t need to be though, and you can start with simple steps that can eventually add up to a valuable habitat. To help you with the task, we’ve put some of our favourite tips together here.

Head over to Birdata and get your Birds in Backyards Spring Survey underway

Getting started is easy.

Habitat is more than providing a garden. Human activity introduces a variety of risks for the birds that are living amongst us. Taking a few small steps to support wildlife can be simple, so we’ve put together a list of some of the most important things you can do, all without getting your hands dirty. 

The Invasive Species Council, Biodiversity Council and BirdLife Australia have collaborated to create a downloadable fact sheet using the latest findings on domestic cats in Australia. This factsheet summarises research findings on the impact of Australia’s pet cats on wildlife.

Head over to Birdata and get your Birds in Backyards Winter Survey underway

Getting started is easy.

While we’ve seen wintry conditions across much of Australia this Autumn, that hasn’t stopped our backyard birds from being out and about, or stopped us from taking part in Birds in Backyards surveys. 


Over the month of April we took to social media to share some of our favourite tips for creating a wildlife friendly garden. We enjoyed doing that so much we thought we’d turn that advice, and some extra content that didn’t make it into the posts, into a blog series that everyone can read.

A tremendous thank you to all the people who got out there and submitted a Birds in Backyards survey in 2022. Overall we had 7108 surveys submitted during the year – that was down slightly on 2021 (8526) but given that we all could go out and do more birding in 2022, that is a great result.

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