Mate Guarding in a Population of White-Fronted Chats, Ephthianura-Albifrons Jardine and Selby (Passeriformes, Ephthianuridae)-a Response to Group Living and a Male-Skewed Sex-Ratio

TitleMate Guarding in a Population of White-Fronted Chats, Ephthianura-Albifrons Jardine and Selby (Passeriformes, Ephthianuridae)-a Response to Group Living and a Male-Skewed Sex-Ratio
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1992
AuthorsMajor, R. E.
JournalAustralian journal of zoology

Abstract {{\textless}b{\textgreater}Mate{\textless}/b{\textgreater}-{\textless}b{\textgreater}guarding{\textless}/b{\textgreater}} behaviour and three attributes considered to affect its intensity (nesting dispersion, territoriality and sex ratio) were studied in a {\textless}b{\textgreater}population{\textless}/b{\textgreater} of {\textless}b{\textgreater}white{\textless}/b{\textgreater}-{\textless}b{\textgreater}fronted chats{\textless}/b{\textgreater}. All-purpose territories were not defended and there was a tendency for nests to be {\textless}b{\textgreater} ...{\textless}/b{\textgreater}

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