Galah x Little Corella

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Birdgirl2009's picture
Galah x Little Corella

Hi Everyone

I'm trying again as I realised I didn't put the slash in front of img, which is probably why I can't see my photos.

I've just signed up so I can post photos of a family that visited our garden on Tuesday 25th November 2008. The parents (one galah and one little corella) brought their two sons (black eyes) to our feeder. I think the galah was the mother, now I look again, but the eyes are darker in some photos than others, so I can't be sure. Sorry about the quality - it was about 7:00 pm on an overcast day. The pattern on our babies is different to other hybrids I have seen (which were pink and white with the blue corella eye ring). Ours are gray all over with random pink feathers.


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