Noble raptor like lamb to the slaughter

"Like many big predators, the wedge-tailed eagle has suffered a long and unjustified persecution for a "crime" that it rarely commits.

In fact it has now known that the misguided people responsible for the eagles' destruction – pastoralists and graziers - stood to lose more than anybody else by their actions.

The land's traditional owners, the Noongar, knew the eagle as warlitje and it was a significant mover and shaker during the Dreamtime, being responsible for, among other things, the swan's black feathers and the splendid wren's vivid blue plumage.
An eagle in flight displays its trademark wedge-shaped tail.

An eagle in flight displays its trademark wedge-shaped tail. Photo: Nathan Piesse

But its strong spiritual significance was no protection against European settlers."

Read more on the Sydney Morning Herald website.

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