Ryde City Plant List


The list of plants associated with this area. Please click on an individual name to see further details about these species.

Growth Form Scientific Name Common Name
Tree Allocasuarina littoralis Black She Oak
Tree Allocasuarina torulosa Forest Oak
Tree Angophora bakeri Narrow Leaved Apple
Tree Angophora costata Smooth Barked Apple
Tree Callicoma serratifolia Black Wattle
Tree Casuarina glauca Swamp Oak
Tree Elaeocarpus reticulatus Blueberry Ash
Tree Eucalyptus acmenoides White Mahogany, Barayly
Tree Eucalyptus globoidea White Stringybark
Tree Eucalyptus paniculata Grey Ironbark
Tree Eucalyptus pilularis Blackbutt
Tree Eucalyptus piperita Sydney Peppermint
Tree Eucalyptus punctata Grey Gum
Tree Eucalyptus racemosa Snappy Gum
Tree Eucalyptus resinifera Red Mahogany
Tree Eucalyptus saligna Sydney Blue Gum
Tree Eucalyptus squamosa Scaly Bark
Tree Eucalyptyus haemastoma Scribbly Gum
Tree Glochidion ferdinandi Cheese Tree
Tree Melaleuca decora White Feather Honeymyrtle
Tree Melaleuca lineariifolia Snow in Summer
Tree Syncarpia glomulifera Turpentine
Tree Tristaniopsis laurina Water Gum
Tree Trochocarpa laurina Tree Heath
Fern Adiantum aethiopicum Madenhair Fern
Fern Calochaena dubia False Bracken Fern
Shrub Acacia falcata
Shrub Acacia linifolia Flax Leafed Wattle
Shrub Austromyrtus tenuifolia Narrow-leaf Myrtle
Shrub Backhousia myrtifolia Grey Myrtle
Shrub Boronia polygalifolia Milkwort Boronia
Shrub Bursaria spinosa Blackthorn
Shrub Darwinia biflora
Shrub Kunzea ambigua Tick Bush
Shrub Lasiopetalum parviflorum
Shrub Ozothamnus diosmifolius Everlasting
Shrub Persoonia linearis Narrow Leaved Geebung
Shrub Pimelia linifolia Rice Flower
Shrub Pittosporum revolutum Rough Fruit Pittosporum
Tussock Baumea juncea
Tussock Isolepsis inundatus
Tussock Juncus kraussii Sea Rush
Tussock Juncus usitatus Common Rush
Tussock Lomandra longifolia Spiny Mat-rush
Tussock Themeda australis Kangaroo Grass
Ground Cover Centella asiatica
Ground Cover Clematis aristata Old Man's Beard
Ground Cover Commelina cyanea Creeping Christian, Scurvy Weed
Ground Cover Dichondra repens Kidney Weed
Ground Cover Hardenbergia violacea False Sardaparilla


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