some of mine

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daggert's picture
some of mine

Scarlet Robin

Either a female Western Spinebill or Juvi.

and this one.. The wren just left the water when this silvereye dived in.

daggert's picture

thats the weirdest robin I've seen...
try again
Scarlet Robin...

Gelmir's picture

That Robin's a great looking bird. Are they very common over there? The Eastern Yellow Robin's seem to be quite common over here, at least where I live anyway.

daggert's picture

Yeah they are pretty common. We have a few pairs around here, where I live.
We also have the Red-Capped Robin and the Western Yellow here(Toodyay WA)

Birdgirl2009's picture

Hi - now I've seen your wren photo. You are so lucky to have them come to your bird bath. I was really interested to see the silvereye because I photographed a couple in the weekend and the heads looked much greener than the pictures in my bird books - just like yours.

daggert's picture

This is one of our silvereyes closer. They are very coloured up at the moment so I guess they are coming into breeding.
Our wrens are generally very tolerant of us coming to this feedbowl that is about 3/4m away. They stay around till they move off on their rounds or you make sudden, full movements. Swatting flies away or moving your legs and such are generally ok with them. They are quite used to us.

I love the little legs in this shot

daggert's picture

close up

Birdgirl2009's picture

Thanks for sharing. The silvereye is so cute ... and so are the wrens. You are lucky to be able to watch them like that.


Nice shots daggert, love the one of the Silvereye diving.

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