This is what happens when you leave your good camera with the big long lens at home! Anyway, it's a sign that spring is just around the corner when the scarlet robin comes a bob, bob bobbin'along.
"When the red, red robin , tra la!"!
Sun, 14/06/2009 - 07:51

"When the red, red robin , tra la!"!
They're a lovely sight to behold regardless of whether you get a good shot of them. I was recently caught without my camera when a large flock of Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos were in our local park. My wife and I spotted them on the path ahead and by the time I ran home to get the camera ......... Wife still laughing :-)
Melbourne, VIC
Isn't it amazing how camera shy birds know when you are and when you aren't carrying a camera ... well George, we can always have the last laugh on them with our cell phones, and they won't even know that we aren't just making a call! :-)
Just watched Foyle's War, hence the hour!
Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour
I'd be happy to see one without my camera (but happier if I did have it!)
Good morning birdgirl! :-) Come spring, are there no robins in the Hunter Valley? They are fairly 'tame' compared to some other birds. They will perch within 30 - 40 feet of you, close enough with a *600mm (35mm FF equiv.).
Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour
I'll have to have a look - I've never thought to look for them before
Big difference to your other Robin Tark, but still good.
Thanks Tassie. The difference is chalk & cheese but in fairness to Canon, this shot was taken with a $700.00 fixed lens point and shoot camera with a $200.00 lens converter that extended its focal length to the equivalent of 630mm in the traditional 35mm film format.
So the image quality here cannot be fairly compared to the other shot at, that was taken with an Olympus E-system DSLR.
Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour
Hey Tark, you may have the last laugh on them, but, I'm afraid that I never will. I do not have a cell 'phone and probably never will. The laugh's on me, mate :-)
Melbourne, VIC
Well Tassie, I bet you have 2 way HF radio in that rig of yours, so why would you need a cell phone! :)
Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour