White Faced Herons

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Lyn's picture
White Faced Herons

Was just finishing breakfast this morning when I looked up to see a Heron collecting sticks right outside the window! Was so surprised to see the bird so close. He flew into a gum tree just over our fence and there was his partner very busy building the nest. They are about 20 metres up.
Killer white sky to deal with, but it will be so exciting to watch these two, that I wanted to share it with you.

tarkineus's picture

The white sky of death is the birder's nemisis but your Heron has come out pretty well considering.

Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour


Gidday Lyn, How good is that to have them so close to home.
Nice shot under the circumstances, you will have to give us updates on their progress.

Lyn's picture

Standing guard.

tarkineus's picture

That sky looks better Lyn, and the bird is better framed.

Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour

smeedingo2's picture

HI Lyn
Top stuff you will be so excited when the little ones come I can't wait for the baby rosella's to start to come out.

Lyn's picture

I do hope I get to see the little ones! They are so high up, I doubt I will get a good view, but will keep watching.

Rosellas ....Grr...I know they are beautiful, but at this time of the year I have to net all my rose bushes as they just love the new red tips! Once the bushes green up they leave them alone!

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