Here are the morning duo up here..... very noisy fellows but a lovely song .... grey butcherbirds
Baby Kookas...
I am thinking a juv White Bellied Sea Eagle????
I finally got a pic of the annoying but pretty dove that I hear in the mornings back home... Bar shouldered Dove
BLue Face HE with breakfast....Juv I think by the green or it may be a different sub species or something
I think this is a Satin Flycatcher but am ready to be corrected
Heaps of Rainbow bee Eaters up here
All in all it was a good morning out......... am still recovering though LOL
Woodgate morning
Wed, 15/12/2010 - 02:44

Woodgate morning
Wonderful stuff Adrienne!
Looks like a young Whistling Kite to me. Don't have my references handy though, but from memory I think it may be a young bird. The BF Honeyeater is an immature bird, that's why the cheeks are green and not blue. The flycatcher I think is correct. :)
Maybe the juv BOP is a Whistling Kite???? anyone?
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Ha ha thanks Akos..... if he hadn't whistled to me I would not even have known that he was up in the Norfolk Pine as I walked underneath. It was a long and hot walk but worth the effort. tomorrow I may go with fortification! and a phone that works up here so I can call for help to get someone to come and drive me home!!!!!
Sunshine Coast Queensland
I meant it is 1000% Whistling Kite, I am just not 100% if it's an adult or juvie. :)
Nice shots Birdie, like the powerline duet
looks like the walk was worth it and i love the butcherbirds singing
Wow Birdie, what an asortment of birds. . . . looks like you had a really good morning!
I have just made a list of birds over the last two days, but I can't remember them all ( I am not a genuine birdwatching list maker I am afraid LOL
PLumed whistling duck, wanderer whistling duck, whistling kite, White Bellied Sea Eagle,Rainbow BE,Little Friar bird, Noisy friarbird,Blue faced HE, Lewins HE, Pied Oystercatcher,Black Bittern ( TBC),Pink & Greys,mangrove HE,variegated FW,Brown Thornbill, Brown HE, noisy Miner, Common Koel ( by sound), WHite Ibis,Cattle egret, Pied Butcher bird,Laughing Kookaburra,Masked Lapwing Plover, purp;le swamphen, pacific black duck,bar shouldered dove,
Satin Flycatcher, Willy wagtail, peewees,australasian Figbird,
Hmmm..... I think that is all... for now anyway LOL
Went back to the same little patch this morning and .......not a bird in sight! Got a Lewin's HE and that was all. Couldn't believe I walked 6km for that!!!
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Birdie, what ever caught the fly is beautiful! Isn't Australia amazing? You have so many birds up there,I don't get to see down here, and probabely never will. Thanks for posting those shots! Brings your world into my home, for me to admire.
That is a blue faced Honey eater Araminta, very common in Qld and an annoyingly aggressive bird in suburban settings. Here is a picture of a group of them harrassing the whistling kite. That is why I thought it may be a juvenile BOP as it was fairly timid.
and here is soemthign I found at the foot of the tree where it is perched so I thought maybe it had been dinner?
Rear view whistling kite
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Nice ones Birdie, looks like your having fun.
Yep Tassie, give me a place where here are plenty of birds to look at and am having fun!
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Speaking of which I knew these were around as I could hear them and today I found this beautiful PH Rosella
I have to say that I have never been attacked by so many midgies in my life!!!!!!! Northerly winds apparently bring them down LOL
Sunshine Coast Queensland
I don't think a young Whistling Kite would take a bird like that one, which appears to be some Artemid species like Pied or Grey Butcherbird. However, Whistling Kites are big pirates and will steal! :)