Barking Owl

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ed's picture
Barking Owl

Plenty of luck over the last few weeks with the Barking Owls on the Townsville Towncommon. This bird has taken to roosting in a big fig right over the path.

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Ready for bed…

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Wanda's picture

Wow wow wow Ed your photos are amazing. The second one is my favourite.

Owen1's picture

ripper shots ed. love the expressions the owl shows.
the second shot is awesome stuff.

Cheers, Owen.

Araminta's picture

wouldn't want to be the mouse, the owl grabs with those claws! Faaaantastic shots!!!


birdie's picture

Oh my goodness Ed....great to have you back here! They are amazing and thanks so much for sharing them with us. I would so love to see one day or night :)

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Birdgirl2009's picture

Fantastic shots ed. Those eyes are huge but the yawning one is hilarious. I'm so glad to see your garden again and the Townsville Towncommon - please keep posting - don't forget us!

Gelmir's picture

Lovely Ed. I think your images will have Akos on the next flight up to Cairns! ;^)

abeleski's picture

Super shots there Ed. Crystal clear. Amazing. I also like the photos on your site from the airshow. Wouldn't mind coming up there for the next airshow. Might check it out. Thanks again.


I was born to live and I live to die.

birdie's picture

Ha ha that is true Mark, but I hope he stops in at the Sunny coast on the way and shows me how to find some owls!
Ed I can't remember the focal length you it a 400? And do they roost down low like the Tawnies I see or was that further up I the canopy?

Sunshine Coast Queensland

abeleski's picture

Hi birdie, according to the exif info he uses the Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS. You will have to wait for Ed to answer the rest. :)

I was born to live and I live to die.

joanneh's picture

great shots ed looks like he is in the same spot as before is he on the way to the second hide? many birds out there at the moment havent been out for a while as its been too wet out here

ed's picture

Birdie, I have found them roosting low in the passed, sometimes at eye level, but this one has taken to roosting up in the canopy of a fig, about 6mtrs up, very easy to walk under it and not notice it.

Joanne,this one is in the fig on the causeway between the two hides, just near to spot we had a talk. the birds are on the Common but still very spread out. The road is unsafe for 2x lots of puddles and the traffic is starting to churn up the mud. Hopefully it will stop raining soon, it's raining now so it won't be today.

Everyone, thanks for your comments.

Ed Townsville NQ

birdie's picture

Did you climb up a tree then????? The angle doesn't look that steep , or is that just what having the extra focal length can do for you. Were you using a TC or just the 100-400 Ed?
I actually found something at night last night on the way home...turned out to be a Tawny and he didn't appreciate me flashing him LOL

Sunshine Coast Queensland


Beautiful shots Ed, I love the 2nd one mate what a great capture.....good onya, well done.

ed's picture

Birdie, no TC and at my age I'm passed climbing trees!! These shots taken over three (I think) week-ends, the first two shots are from a bit further up the track (which starts to rise up a small sand dune) so looking back and moving into the scrub a little I had a much lessened angle and luckily a clear shot, the other shots are from below the bird. As he roosts over water some days I just cannot get a clear shot, the last picture was taken on my first encounter with this bird. Our local Tawnys have started to call (very occasionally) and I saw two birds the other night. Unfortunatly their nest tree blew over in 'Yasi' but hopefully I will be able to find the new nest site (if there is one)

Ed Townsville NQ

birdie's picture

This would be the perfect opportunity for you to show us some contextual images Ed :'). I like to see the kinds of surroundings that really good photographs are produced from . I find it more interesting than seeing a "perfect portrait" of a bird sitting in front of a big blur, and I even love the way he is peeking round the branches at you. It kind of tells more of a story if you know what I mean.
Don't forget to post some photos of the town common.... it is on my list of places to see one day :)

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Windhover's picture

Very nice shots Ed; an awesome species for sure. While I am a tad green, to answer Mark (Gelmir) No, I am not a rabid twitcher and will turn up this species in western Sydney soon! :) In fact, my friend in Silverdale had a pair in her garden for a week a year ago, I just couldn't find them or the time. All I heard was the screaming woman call one evening while listening for them and had no response to call playback. :(

Misty's picture

Ed those are fantastic pictures. Love them.

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