White-bellied sea eagle courtship

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Birdgirl2009's picture
White-bellied sea eagle courtship

I went to the swamp I was told about, but there was nothing there so I went back to yesterday's site. Plenty of BOP, so I just stood on the edge of the road and hoped they would fly over me. Two adult white-bellied sea eagles headed my way so I raised the camera and started clicking. One started flying at the other and then I had the privilege to photograph the female rolling on her back and presenting her talons to the male

Windhover's picture

that's awesome behavior Kim. I have got some record shots of Swamp Harriers doing this near my house last September and reminds me I should be checking my local sea eagle nest to see where they're at. do you know where yours are nesting? They should be laying eggs soon.

Birdgirl2009's picture

No I don't know where the nest tree is and it is private land so I have to stand on the edge of the road and hope they fly over me. If I lived in that house I would be sitting on a bench with my camera all day! I have photographed the juveniles again and some have more white underneath than others, so are older.

birdie's picture

Wow that is awesome Kim..... you must feel very privileged to share it and be able to capture it. Thanks for sharing this with us

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Araminta's picture

I'm speechless !!! How beautiful !!!


Andy's picture

Wow Birdgirl. I've read about this and can only dream about witnessing such an amazing display.

So... whereabouts do you live? I'm coming to visit :-)

Owen1's picture

Incredible shots Birdgirl. amazing moment captured there and lucky you to see behaviour like this.

Cheers, Owen.

birdie's picture

Hey Andy, we go down there regularly about once a year at least....we should go together and invade Birdgirl. I have already told her that next time I hit the hunter region we are going to do the Hunter Wetlands together, but maybe we should be looking at the black snake swamp instead!

Sunshine Coast Queensland


Wow Birdgirl, how good is that ??? Awesome stuff, I missed this one earlier. I can see how it is one of your best moments, seeing it is one thing, capturing it is another.
Well done Birdgirl.
It reminds me of home, my wife is always very keen to show me her Talons but I some how don't think it has much to do with courtship.

birdie's picture

ROTFL....:') very good Tassie... that is too funny....so long as you can spot the difference in behaviours you'll be safe he he.

Sunshine Coast Queensland

wolfy's picture

WOW, what else can you say, right time right place and ready with camera. Good job.


I love photography.

Birdgirl2009's picture

Thanks everyone. It was something I could only dream about too.
Andy and birdie - imagine how many photos we could get all together!
Tassie - be good and you probably won't see the talons

birdie's picture

Yeah Birdgirl.... Andy could be the spotter and the recorder and she could carry the Field guide LOL She has much better eyes than me..... saw pardalotes long before I did and I was trying hard!

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Andy's picture

I would absolutely love love LOVE to go birding with a group of people from BiBY. I know that there are birding groups, but it would be so much fun to go with people with who we're already acquainted (via the net). We should all plan a get-together once a year.

Ok Birdie I'll be the spotter. But you're not allowed to be the guide. Remember the extremely overgrown track? "It didn't look like this last time..." Hee hee hee.

Andy's picture

edit to previous post "...with whom..."


Well I tell you what Andy, I am in if you guy's organize anything...I could not have done it before but with my new job and the time it affords me in days off it would be no probs.

birdie's picture

That would be way cool that is for sure.... I am definitely not being the guide .... never mind the overgrown bloody track..what about the road to Bellthorpe instead of Witta????
BUT the silver lining was..... the great tits we saw there LOL ;')

Sunshine Coast Queensland


Ahhh now the truth comes out Birdie.....and you told me in the email that Andy got you lost....Lmao

birdie's picture

And you are a stirrer mate.. I did no such thing!...as if I would ....?!
I tell you what though...if we hadn't taken the Stanley river road to goodness knows where we wouldn't have stopped to turn around and found all those lovely little birds, including the shrike-tits. In fact... I don;t think there would be a wrong route in that area as far as finding birds go.
Probably much like your BOP area down there Kim....

Sunshine Coast Queensland


Lol....Its all good Birdie, just winding you up. :)

Birdsong's picture

What a fantastic succession of shots! congratulations and thank you for sharing.

Birdsong's picture

What a fantastic succession of shots! congratulations and thank you for sharing.

rjwaring's picture

Birdgirl, those pics are truly inspired work! There must be a competition you could enter them into. Wonderful work. You should be very chuffed.

I've succumbed to the birding bug!
Alice Springs, NT


You were right Birdgirl,love the first shot,truly amazing thank you.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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