Eastern Spinebill and others

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Owen1's picture
Eastern Spinebill and others

I went for a walk in the river bushland this afternoon near home and saw a group of Yellow-rumped Thornbills picking insects out of the wattle trees and I finally got a good Eastern Spinebill. He actually sat still only 3 metres away from me!
I am very happy with my camera and it procuces very good results. I hope to learn how to use it even better.

Eastern Spinebill

Yellow-rumped Thornbill

Little Wattlebird


Nice shots Owen, looks like that Pentax is working mighty fine.

hollylister78's picture

Lovely (-: How do you get your photos to view like that? (as opposed to them being an attachment)

Owen1's picture

Thanks. wildflower firstly you need to have your photos put online such as flickr or photobucket then right click on the image and choose size 500.
Then right click again and click "copy image location"
in the text box on this forum write img inside square brackets [] then paste the web link then at then end write /img in square brackets [].
The photos should show. feel free to test one here.

Cheers, Owen.

Araminta's picture

Absolutely fantastic Owen.The photos are everything you want, sharp and bright! How close were you? Did you crop, or is that how close you zoomed in? It is so much fun to take good photos of a beautiful set of birds. Well done! M-L


Qyn's picture

Wonderful pics Owen, the Eastern Spinebill is one of my favourites (there are many favourites but the ES is close to the top) - well captured.

Hi Wildflower - if you upload your photos to flickr or photobucket (I think both are free to join), then the easiest way is to view the photo in that program, then copy the link and paste the link between the following tags [img] [/img] with no extra spaces. Is that right, Owen?

"the earth is not only for humans, but for all animals and living things."

Qyn's picture

My tags did not show up - if you look above the text box for a new post it mentions "img" and "/img" in square parentheses like this []. They are the tags to use just past your link between the two groups of [] []

"the earth is not only for humans, but for all animals and living things."

Owen1's picture

Thanks M-L and Qynn
that's correct Qynn.
I cropped a tiny bit but I didn't take mush off at all. I really was close to that Spinebill.

Cheers, Owen.

Meave's picture

On the opening page of the forum, go to ánnouncements/help, there is a really good run-down of how to do it, and it worked for me (although advice from Mrtattoo helped also). It took a while for me to get used to the process.


hollylister78's picture

Thanks everyone for the tips on the photos, I'll give it a whirl (-:

Birdgirl2009's picture

You're getting some beaut shots with your new camera. THe eastern spinebill is a good looking bird, isn't it?

hollylister78's picture

Ok, attempt number one..., if this doesn't work let me know what I've done

Holly's picture

Hi wildflower - your file name doesn't look quite right. It needs to end with .jpg


Windhover's picture

Well done Owen. Keep up the great work buddy! :-)

hollylister78's picture

Ok thanks Holly, I'm not very good at this, I actually had to google how to cut and paste lol. I'll give it one more try before I call in backup ;-) (Sorry Owen for practising on your page!)


Owen1's picture

I tried to show the photo.
Amazing shot BTW.

Cheers, Owen.

Owen1's picture

Thanks Birdgirl and Akos. The Spinebill is a great looking bird and I learnt one of their other calls that i didn't know who made it before just from seeing it make the call. They fly extremely fast too so you have to watch closely to see where they land.
Wildflower Just click on the link you posted and right click on the photo on flickr and click 500 for the size. Then right click again and click 'copy image location' then paste it in the forum box and add the img in [] at the start and /img in [] at the end. It should work. It took me a while to get the hang of as well.

Cheers, Owen.

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