White Goshawk

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ScottTas's picture
White Goshawk

Love seeing this little guy around. Hadn't seen him for a few months. Knowing his call has helped me out today - a Grey Currawong was harassing him in a group of trees near my front yard - I could see he had something in his talons, still can't identify what, but I guess the Currawong wanted to share his lunch?! Unfortunately I fumbled around and missed photos of him in the tree and being chased around by the Currawong, but at least I got a few of him as he flew off. Hope they show up ok..

Thanks for looking,

Araminta's picture

Absolutely beautiful, the white bird against the sky. What ever he has in his talons has legs.
How far away were you? Next question would be, what lens did you use? I haven't taken any photos of BOP in flight that are any good, I have asked "Santa" or who ever is willing, if I could get a big lens for Christmas.


Windhover's picture

Very cool images Scott. To be correct, it's a white phase Grey Goshawk. There is also the grey phase, which you may (or may not) know. They are the same bird and often a grey and white breed together. Strange as it may be. :-) Keep up taking these nice shots mate. :-)

Owen1's picture

Great shots. Even better to catch it in flight. I've always loved to see one of these species but somehow has eluded me!

Cheers, Owen.

Araminta's picture

I keep looking at what it is he is holding in his talons. At first it looks as if it has little legs. But after close inspection of the second photo, I can clearly see, it is his "handbag". LOL M-L


ScottTas's picture

Thanks for the comments guys.
Thanks Windhover - I was being lazy... You caught me. I've never seen a grey phase.. but over the past 6 months in my new house, I've seen this guy on average once or twice a month - my best was 3 days in a row though. I live in the suburbs of Hobart, so it's nice to see them so easily!
Araminta - he was probably 15-60 metres away during these shots. I never remember what my camera is, so I'm holding it while I type this: Canon EOS450D with the 55-250mm lens it came with. If this camera broke tomorrow, I would buy a similar Canon model immediately - I can't be without it now!

Woko's picture

Please excuse my naivete, windhover, but I've always been puzzled by phases in some birds but was too afraid to ask - until now.
The word "phase" suggests to me that a bird goes from one colour to another. E.g., in the case of the grey goshawk from white to grey or vice versa. But from what you've said & I've read in other places it seems that there are, e.g., some grey goshawks that are grey & others that are white & they never change colour. I'm wondering if at some future time the 2 colours will become 2 different species. It'll probably depend on genetics & I know even less about these.

Elle's picture

Great pics Scott. I'm jealous, I've never seen the white version. :)

Windhover's picture

Hi Woko,
I am not an ornithologist, or a geneticist, so I can only say what I have learned. The Grey Goshawk can be either grey or white. That's it. Each color morph is referred to as either a grey or white phase. Technically they are exactly the same species. A bit like people being Caucasian or Negro, or Asian or..... Same thing. White, Dark, tanned etc and can interbreed to produce fertile offspring. :)

Woko's picture

Thanks heaps, Windhover. That's made it lots clearer for me although I find it a bit illogical that a grey goshawk can be grey or white. Never mind. Nobody said the world has to be logical.

ScottTas's picture

"Peace Dove from Hell" my friend said after seeing these photos ;)

CQGems's picture

Hi ScottTas.
Couldn't agree more regarding the camers choice.
Had a Canon 5D until recently until I drowned it (underwater Photography my main passion).
The shots with that camera was amazing. Used to have a 300D before that and that camera was also brilliant.
Stuck with a Panasonic FZ35 till I can afford to get another Canon and lens. Mind you, the Panasonic is not a bad camera, just not quite in the same league.

Tazrandus's picture

Beautiful shots of a gorgeous bird! Love the translucency of those wings (against the blue sky as M-L said). There is certainly something angelic about it.


Birdgirl2009's picture

No doubt in my mind that this is an angel. i have only seen a grey phase grey goshawk a few times, and it was very beautiful as well

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