silvereye in trouble

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jacquie's picture
silvereye in trouble

Hello, I have found a silvereye near where i live. He was on the ground with no feathers on top of his head and had one sore eye with no white feathers around the rim. I have been feeding him fruit and water which he loves. He has come good and seems able to open the eye more and has more energy. The top of his head has no feathers and looks quite red i think it could be sunburnt. Should i release him or wait until the feathers grow back? How long do you think that could take and would anyone know what could of happen to him. Mina birds? Maybe P.S Im not sure if he is a baby or not. He can defiantly fly. But doesn't look anywhere near a full feathered as the picture by aa in bird pic's

Windhover's picture

Vet, vet, vet, vet, vet, vet take it to a vet, who will be able to diagnose properly and pass it onto a wildlife rescue and rehab organization. :)

Kerchar's picture

Contact WIRES or ARC in you local area who will puck up
injured bird and take to the vet for you. They will also keep in touvh with you and let you know the out come of the bird.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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