unknown rosella

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smeedingo2's picture
unknown rosella

I hope some one can help me identify these rosellas
(are they Crimsons or a X)
[url]http://s673.photobucket.com/albums/vv92/smeedingo2/rosellas/th_DSC_0256.jpg http://s673.photobucket.com/albums/vv92/smeedingo2/rosellas/th_DSC_0267.jpg[/url] I took these near cooma
this is the first one I hope it works

smeedingo2's picture
smeedingo2's picture

smeedingo2's picture

smeedingo2's picture

It helps if you follow it step by step "hooray"

DenisWilson's picture

Juvenile Crimson Rosellas
Blue Cheeks are the diagnostic feature.
Hybrids are known to occur, but they tend to be closer to Eastern Rosellas, so have white cheeks and yellow rumps (visible as they fly away).
Birds in Backyards Bird Finder says:
"Young Crimson Rosellas have the characteristic blue cheeks, but the remainder of the body plumage is green-olive to yellowish olive (occasionally red in some areas). The young bird gradually attains the adult plumage over a period of 15 months."
source: http://www.birdsinbackyards.net/finder/display.cfm?id=50
As you are near Cooma, you ought learn to visit the Canberra Ornithologists Group photo gallery. It is an excellent resource for your area.

smeedingo2's picture

Thank you Denis for your response
Ithought that they were Crimson Rosellas But the blue breast and blue behind the eye's is what had me in doubt because I had not seen it before HAVE YOU Sorry Ididn't stat that I was on a fishing trip I live north of Raymond Terrace THANKS AGAIN

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