Hi all,
I know this isn't the most comprehensive shot but was hoping someone would know what this little bird is?
It's set up a nice little nest recently in a small tree next to my house only about 1.5m off the ground- crazy!
Could someone please ID this bird?
Thu, 07/01/2010 - 13:52

Could someone please ID this bird?
Hi widget , is this the baby bird or the adult? the nest look like some kind of fantail but the eye looks like a noisy miner. i am not very good at difficult ID's though.
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Hi Birdy, pretty sure it's an adult. I think it has some sort of foiage in it's mouth it was using to add to the nest. Don't think it's a minor due to the small size.
I'll have to look up fantails and see how I go.
Either you have deleted your images or my computer is playing up as they are no longer showing for me Widget.
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Also, you need to say where you saw it Widget, so that others can check what it may be.
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Hi Birdy,
the site that hosts my photos (www.zenfolio.com) is down for maintenance at the moment- bad timing!
I did some looking around and i'm pretty sure it's a Yellow Faced Honeyeater http://birdsinbackyards.net/bird/110.
The Yellow stripe and grey chin look consistent with the profile on this site. The descriptions of the nest in the profile seem spot on too. I didn't know honeyeaters could be so little!
What do you reckon? Do we have a winner?! :D
Where did you see it?
Sunshine Coast Queensland
near Bright, Vic
OK then Widget, looks like you could be right from what i've read on here and in my Simpson and Day. It's a great shot by the way, it helps when they nest conveniently close to the ground like that doesn't it? try to get some full body shots and then we could be sure. Hope there are no nasties around to get them !
PS All our regulars must be on holiday , I wish they'd come back!! :')
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Yes Widget I'm sure u are right; Yellow Faced Honeyeater. The nest suits the description as well :)
Happy birdwatching!