Hello, I amnew to this site and i love birds. over the last 5 or 6 months i have been reading all about the different birds and every weekend i try to spot a new bird. In our garden (which is very small) we have nesting SUPERB FAIRY WRENS, a tame SPOTTED TURTLE DOVE wich has a wonky leg so we can tell him apart from the others (all he does is eat!), a baby MAGPIE that has probaby been left by his mum bacause he also has a bad leg but imuch worse than pigena the spotted turtle doves leg, a MAGPIE LARK, a load of brown honeyeaters and we get a rare visit from a group of DOUBLE BARRED FINCHES. At school i go on about birds and my friends get realy annoyed. :(woops. we used to have nesting pale headed rosellas but they have moved on as a ratate all there eggs which i think were infertile anyway.
from Rebecca
Tue, 30/11/2010 - 19:47

Welcome Rebecca and gosh aren't you lucky to have so many wonderful birds in your yard! Your friends are probably just jealous. :) Keep up your enthusiasm!
Welcome,it doesn't mater how big your garden is,you already have a couple of birds i would dearly love to have in my garden.
thank you :) you have made me feel welcome
I love birdiees
Welcome Rebecca, sounds like you have some lovely birds already visiting, hope you enjoy it. Dont worry about your friends i agree they prob are jealous that you have a hobby that you enjoy.
Thank you, and yes we do have nice birds and we have a creek down the road which me and my family sometimes walk to. There are loads of birds there: Red backed fairy wrens, scarlet honeyeaters, silvereyes,other honeyeaters, sulphur crested cockatoos, galahs and we have spotted a pair of Azure kingfishers and a pair of sacred kingfisher. the sacred kingfishers are practicly ALWAYS there in the same tree every time we go. My mum and Dad say i am realy good at spotting birds especialy tawny frogmouths because they look like trees.
I love birdiees
HI Rebecca, lovely to have another younger member here. I love your profile pic nad you are really lucky to be able to enjoy such a huge amount of birds in your garden. I have Pale Headed rosies visit me and they are my favourite , and especially at the moment as they are really bright and colourful with the breeding season.
Don't worry about the kids at school, you just keep on identifying and watching .... it's a great hobby
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Thank you. Pale headed rosellas our one of myfavourites too! I would realy love to see an emu wren because i love there tails!
I love birdiees
We have Southern Emu-wrens in the Blue Mountains near Sydney and they are stunning little birds alright. very hard to get a clear view of them, let alone a photo. :(
you are lucky, i would love to see one, i dont mind if i dont get a photo. :)
I love birdiees
Welcome to the forum Bec it makes me really happy to see a younger person such as yourself that has such a keen intersest in birds, good onya!!!
Thank you Tassie:) I think birds are just the most interesting and beautiful creatures. I could watch them all day :)
I love birdiees
Welcome to the forum Rebecca, nice collection of birds you have visiting your backyard, despite a small one! Keep telling your frineds about it :) My friends are now pretty spot on at identifying the local birds and I've even managed to drill some binomial names into their memory bank. Lovely photo of the rosella by the way, the drawings in the Simpson & Day field guide do it no justice.
Just wondering Windhover, where abouts in the mountains are they? I'll have to get up there some time in the hols and have a look, I know they hold a diverse amount of species but the amount of times I atually get a chance to get up there are next to none.
Hi again,don't worry about your friends im MUCH older than you and my friends still don't get it!
they don't understand the buzz i get seeing a bird in the wild for the first time,or finely getting a photo of one you've been watching ,even my wife just rolls her eyes and says"That nice dear"most of them will never know.I feel sorry for them!
I know just what you are saying Sparrow..... I have had friends staying and after a week they are finally learning to listen to the sounds around them. When I first started alerting her to them she couldn't even hear them ... it is great to be able to open someone new up to that, so Rebecca you just run your own race and take anyone who wants to along for the ride..... they may even enjoy it :')
Sunshine Coast Queensland
Spot on Sparrow.