Bird of the Week: 30th July - Finches

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Holly's picture
Bird of the Week: 30th July - Finches

Can I just say - I LOVED the Tawny photos last week - well done everyone!


This week I thought we would open it up to all finches. So share your gorgeous little balls of feathers with us all smiley

matt's picture

Found this one from earlier in the year

Red Browed Finches, I still have dozens of these little guys visiting daily


Araminta's picture

Here is my choice of the week. Very hard for me to pick one, I posted some a few days ago. But here I go:

One juvenile that hasn't changed colours yet:

DSC01943 (1) one fat one: DSC01199 (1) and one imported one: DSC01005 (1)


Owen1's picture

Eurasian Tree Sparrow (including one I posted earlier)

Cheers, Owen.

kathiemt's picture

I don't have any real close ups as I can't get close to any who come to our home, mainly the red-browed firetails.

M-L, I didn't know sparrows were in the finch family. I'll have to go read up on them.

Selby, Victoria

jfiess78's picture

This is the only good one I have....and it's not that great but anyway here it is. 

soakes's picture

I don't have any photos but I did once see a flock of red-browed finches on my driveway.  It was very exciting as it was the first time I had ever seen them, but that was about 3 years ago and I haven't seen one since :-(  Well, I have seen them in other places, but not at my place.

I am not interested in sparrows. :-/  ...and I don't have any at my place, which suits me fine!

- soakes

Olinda, Victoria, Australia

Araminta's picture

Hi soakes, seeing you don't like the introduced Sparrows, I went outside to take some more Red-browed Firetails. They are the only finches I have in my garden. But of those I have plenty.

(There are many other finches, but nobody has posted any, I would have loved to see more.)

So, here are more of mine:

DSC02886 (1) DSC02889 (1) DSC02842 (2) DSC02899 (1) those little firetails are everywhere at the moment, enjoy


soakes's picture

Wow, those are absolutely brilliant!  How close do you get to these beauties!?

- soakes

Olinda, Victoria, Australia

Araminta's picture

2-3 m , or less. These were less I think. I'm a stalker, LOL


pacman's picture

I like the Chestnut-breasted Mannikin ; these pics are from Mango Hill, Qld in Jan '11


rjwaring's picture

Some of these have been on here before.

Zebra Finch, Red-browed Finch, Painted Finch, Masked Finch, Long-tailed Finch, Double-barred Finch, Crimson Finch, Chestnut-breasted Mannikan.

I've succumbed to the birding bug!
Alice Springs, NT

rjwaring's picture

Awesome shots M-L

I've succumbed to the birding bug!
Alice Springs, NT

kathiemt's picture

I had to look up finches because I don't know much about them. Can't say I've seen any here other than the red-browed firetail and sparrow (which I didn't know what a finch till this thread).  I tried to look at the bird finder but it was throwing up error messages so did a search and found a listing for Australian finches on  Would love to see more, they're colourful and cute.

Selby, Victoria

pacman's picture

Kathie the following is an extract from the BARC (Birds Australia Rarities Committee)  ) )    )      Checklist of Australian Birds - sorry the final column is my numbering system

you can see that 1) sparrows are not finches and 2) our Australian birds known as finches are also not in the family called finches which 3) has the Old World Finches 

PasseridaeOld World Sparrows  2542
Passer domesticusHouse Sparrow1 254201
Passer montanusEurasian Tree Sparrow1 254202
EstrildidaeWaxbills, Munias & Allies  2543
Emblema pictumPainted Finch1 254301
Stagonopleura bellaBeautiful Firetail1 254302
Stagonopleura oculataRed-eared Firetail1 254303
Stagonopleura guttataDiamond Firetail1 254304
Neochmia temporalisRed-browed Finch1 254305
Neochmia phaetonCrimson Finch1 254306
Neochmia ruficaudaStar Finch1 254307
Neochmia modestaPlum-headed Finch1 254308
Poephila personataMasked Finch1 254309
Poephila acuticaudaLong-tailed Finch1 254310
Poephila cinctaBlack-throated Finch1 254311
Taeniopygia guttataZebra Finch1 254312
Taeniopygia bichenoviiDouble-barred Finch1 254313
Erythrura trichroaBlue-faced Parrotfinch1 254314
Erythrura gouldiaeGouldian Finch1 254315
Lonchura punctulataScaly-breasted Munia1 254316
Lonchura pallidaPale-headed Munia1 254317
Lonchura flaviprymnaYellow-rumped Mannikin1 254318
Lonchura castaneothoraxChestnut-breasted Mannikin1 254319
Lonchura oryzivoraJava Sparrow1 254320
Heteromunia pectoralisPictorella Mannikin1 254321
MotacillidaeWagtails, Pipits  2544
Dendronanthus indicusForest Wagtail1 254401
Motacilla tschutschensisEastern Yellow Wagtail1 254402
Motacilla citreolaCitrine Wagtail1 254403
Motacilla cinereaGrey Wagtail1 254404
Motacilla albaWhite Wagtail1 254405
Anthus australisAustralian Pipit1 254406
Anthus gustaviPechora Pipit1 254407
Anthus cervinusRed-throated Pipit1 254408
FringillidaeFinches  2545
Fringilla coelebsCommon Chaffinch1 254501
Chloris chlorisEuropean Greenfinch1 254502
Carduelis carduelisEuropean Goldfinch1 254503
Carduelis flammeaCommon Redpoll1 254504 

but the intention of the thread was clear


kathiemt's picture

Gee thanks Pacman. Quite a list!

Selby, Victoria

fonexic's picture

these birds ( posted ) are very common here. we call them house sparrow.

are not there (astrailia) these birds?

Araminta's picture

Yes fonexic, they are here, but  they are not native to Australia.


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