Oh gosh guys I am getting worse! Here is the challenge for this week - I didn't put a date on it because I am so late but lets run it till next Tuesday and then I will be close to being back on track :)
As per rawshorty's suggestion - the theme is 'Birds in Flight'
Pied Cormorant just in flight
Shorty......Canon gear
Hmmm they doubled up again, need the link thing fixed Holly. EDIT: can fix prob through edit but still would like it fixed if possible
Shorty......Canon gear
my screen saver and a very early pic with basic equipment
Silver Gull at Goolwa, SA.
in the end it did fly, just missed it

.....and a Whistling Kite
A Black-shouldered Kite and a Pacific duck,I posted the kite photo before but this time I edited the dust out of the photo...
Amazing photos everyone.
Here is a little double barred finch that I managed to get a photo of yesterday here at Victoria Point Qld.
Not so much "in flight" - more like suspended in mid air. LOL.
And just for fun, my silver gulls at Goolwa SA (snap Woko)
And a very fine snap it is, too, Chris.
Here's one of a distant black-faced cuckoo-shrike.
Cattle egret in flight.
And I love this one,
Welcome Swallows at Goolwa SA when we were there over Christmas.
Silvergull and Cockatoo
Shorty......Canon gear
Shorty......Canon gear
VERY nice rawshorty. The definition in the photos is brilliant.
Thank you very much Chris, sometimes they work the way i wan't them to.
Shorty......Canon gear
Since my camera is soo basic and seems to hates fast(ish) moving or distance these are the only in flight shots I have *sigh*
. Taken today while on a green's tip run.
Wow Cassie, how many Black Kites are there? What are they after at a tip? Rats and mice?
You beat me to it M-L, the picture quality is not the important thing............it is the story it tells, well done Cassie.
Shorty......Canon gear
Thank you
. There was to many to count! this picture shows one group out of maybe four groups that I could see. I'm guessing mice and rat's but also lizards that hide out in the plant deposit sites. It was my first time at this tip and so great to see so many! one day when I have more time I might head back and wait out a closer shot
oops double post
Hi Cassie - now that's a mob of birds!
I'm new to this photography bizzo - No idea about exposures and all that technical stuff. I just keep my camera on Auto, and click away like crazy, and hope that I have at least one photo that isn't blurry
Then when I go through the photos I sometimes get nice surprises, like this little Double-Barred Finch from yesterday and the one I posted earlier. Gee these little fellows are fast!
Hi everyone
There are some great shots here. Love them. Attached are some photos of gallahs in flight. Much happier shots than the last ones I posted of the poor little juvenile gallah.
Cheer Diane
One more photo,this isn't the best quality but the lorikeets were moving around quite fast when I took the photo:
Hi Cassie,
Are you out west? (i.e. west of the Great Dividing Range)
The only time I've seen black kites in those sort of numbers is out in SW Qld around Cunnamulla, St George, Charleville etc.
Cunnamulla in particular had absolutely stacks of them around town and out by the tip.
Hi Tim. No I'm in Logan SEQ, these pictures were taken at the Browns Plains tip
In about 1993 there was a mouse plague here (s.e. slopes of Mt Lofty Ranges SA) & for at least 40 km around. The black kites swarmed in to take advantage. What I found interesting is that a remnant population of about four black kites stayed behind after the bulk of the flock had gone. I still have sightings of a black kite or two although the sightings are few & far between now. Perhaps they've been taking advantage of a remnant population of mice & that mice population is now almost defunct. We don't seem to have nearly as many mice around & in our house these days.
Do landings count? I have problems taking photos of birds in flight. Since I wear glasses, I find it very hard to focus on anything in the sky
This Straw-necked Ibis had just landed.
My picture of two magpies got photobombed my a noisy miner lol
and 1 from today at Tidbinbilla, ACT
This afternoon at Albert Lake (Melbourne)

all beautiful photos...........hopefully I will get to sit at my computer to do something other than study this week.........well done guys

Teresa Skerratt
Gardens for Birds Bees and Butterflies
A couple i played around with in Lightroom
Shorty......Canon gear
Yes Shorty, I still think of the days when my dad had a dark room. We weren't able to go into the bathroom for days, because that's where everything happened. Sometimes I was trusted to wiggle the photos in one of those dishes filled with chemicals , them put them into the dishes filled with water, and hang them on the line with peggs.O glorious days of early photography. Kids these days have no idea what we did back then? We created "Art'
I saw thousands of birds in flight yesterday at the Treatment Plant. (I'm waiting for someone to tell me what they are?)
Is BIRDS too simple of an answer? Cos thats as close as i can get!! Nice photo.
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
Thanks Dale, I'm with you on that one
I know! I know!
White birds with black faces/beaks
Lots'n'lots of 'em :)
and one of a Whistling Kite , also taken on Sunday at the WTP. It has a mouse in it's beak.
Great shots everyone. I got some of our White-phase Grey Goshawk this morning, so will try to add them to this collection...
rainbow lorrikeet about to take off
cockatoo coming in for a landing
great shots to all. made my night.
five more pagesof bird photos to go thru.
See it! Hear it!
Mid-North Coast NSW
a late addition to the birds in flight forum - a beautiful Black Bittern at Mullet Creek, Sydney.
Never too late, Judy. Nice one!
Never too late, Judy. Nice one!