Hi gang, apologies for another late challenge!
Last week's was brilliant - this week let's see twice the birds - so post shots with either two birds in it or a male and female of a species in 2 shots (make sense)?
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Black-necked Storkat Leanyer STW, Darwin, NT
Here you go Holly - two double bar finches from the weekend - they came right up to me
Rainbow Bee-eater, Leanyer STW, Darwin, NT
White-breasted Woodswallow (double-double-double or 2x2x2=8) - yes, Leanyer STW, Darwin, NT
My pair of ducks that live on our dam in Victoria Point Qld.
Diamond firetails on the s.e. slopes of the Mt Lofty Ranges.
And a pair of 5 lots of New Holland Honeyeaters:
Mr&Mrs Galah
I know there is one just like me in there. I just have to find it

Two, and one for free
Twins having a drink
1+1= a few more Silver Gulls in the making
come closer girl, let's see what we can do

(you might have seen them before, but I couldn't resist)
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Oh, that's so cute. Love all of them. The big Shelduck (?) baby in the middle is just gorgeous.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Hey shoop, don't apologise, half the time I can't remember which ones I have seen before! It is nice to see them again anyway.
Dale Huonville, Tasmania
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
more mating shots .
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Male and Female Red-capped Parrots in 1st picture . 2nd picture looks like 2 females .

Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Australasian Grebes (sorry another mating) set with the result of an egg.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Red-tailed Black Cockatoos

Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Pink-eared Ducks, Little Black Cormorants, Black Swans.

Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Little Corella Pair in our Pine Tree.
two baby Wood Ducks, with and without mum.

Pair of Galahs in our paddock.
Apologies for the poor pictures but do not seem to have many pairings.
The boy has a very extatic expression on his face. She was scratching his back. (who wouldn't get a bit cross eyed?)
oh, the top pair are fascinating sue 818..do you know what sort of birds they are , some sort of heron or bittern???
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Splendid Fairy Wrens.

Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Kookaburras and White-breasted Robin with chick.

Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Awesome pics everyone.
Shorty......Canon gear
Hi Shirley I keep searching but I can only spy one bird so far ...still looking.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
These are visiting Birdsland Reserve at Belgrave Heights (Vic) currently. They've been there for about 3 weeks or so.
Selby, Victoria
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Crested pigeons on our power pole. Victoria Point Qld.
Two whistling kites
Two yellow faced honeyeaters
Two rainbow lorikeets
Two New Holland Honeyeaters
Selby, Victoria
Ah, but the inspiration came from you, Peter.
Yes Shoop, they are Black Bittern seen in Sydney some months ago. The juvenile was further upstream.
Two immature Black-winged Stilts.
My two girls with their egrets - a bit of fun for you as photo is a bit blurred.
It's the funniest thing out to watch the birds run to keep up with the ponies if they move at a fast walk. (Ah ha! Found one to show you with the birds running)
Even better if the ponies go for a trot - the birds fly along with them
Photos taken through the study window - if the birds catch sight of us they fly off so can generally only have long distance photos of them.
A couple of urban-dwelling Bush Stone Curlews. After a spectacularly unsuccessful attempt at nesting in the carpark of my office building, they have taken up residence in a nearby deserted carpark.
Two Baby Eurasian Coots
Mother and child, two of a kind
Eurasian Coot feeding an older child. Australasian Grebe with young in tow.

Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Red-rumped Parrot, pair
Really enjoyed these pics thanks everyone