White-Faced Heron

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rawshorty's picture
White-Faced Heron
windshear's picture

Looks like me poking my nose out of the blankets to see whether it's too cold to get out of bed yet.wink

Annie W
Annie W's picture

Wow they're interesting looking birds!  Just look at the intent stare on him.  Brilliant shots shorty.

West Coast Tasmania

ihewman's picture

But where are the Night-Herons? There is just a lot of photos of White-faced Herons...

Brandon (aka ihewman)

rawshorty's picture

ihewman wrote:

But where are the Night-Herons? There is just a lot of photos of White-faced Herons...

LOL, i am new to birding and boy did i f........uplaugh

Shorty......Canon gear



Araminta's picture

I would also say White-faced Heron, just tucked his neck in.


Annie W
Annie W's picture

Lol Shorty.  Well I believed you.  Never seen a White-faced all scrunched up like that before!  Now that it's been pointed out....oops me. laugh

West Coast Tasmania

rawshorty's picture

Some times i get i little excited.............that's a good thing right?????laugh

Shorty......Canon gear



Lachlan's picture

Gee guys! Didn't you know? There is a rare mutation of the Nankeen Night Heron in Canberra, its called the White Faced Night Heron... Its being considered for elevation to species status, but is in danger from bird photographers who roam around the place taking indecently good photos of the local raptors. Shame on you all for correcting Shorty!


Nice photos, they're hard things to get close to. I like the fourth one, its interesting and you don't usually see them from behind (because they're watching you!). 

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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