O'Reilly's is full of yellow things (and some other colours too)

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windshear's picture
O'Reilly's is full of yellow things (and some other colours too)

Because it was a ridiculous 38C on monday, and we had the day off, I thought I'd head down to O'Reilly's retreat. It's been about 20 years (I guess) since I'd been there. Because I slept in and got a late state, I only walked about 1/3rd of the Border track before I started running out of daylight and started to head back.

Still, I discovered some gems!

First couple are of a gorgeous little Yellow-Throated Scrubwren who was very friendly (even after getting chased away by a grumpy heffalump of a man). Such a cutie! Yellow Robin showed up to watch me watching the Scrubwren. Saw my first Regent Bowerbird feeding on the grevilleas back at the retreat. (and one of a female Regent - I think they're kinda pretty too)

Rest are:
- Bassian Thrush
- Crimson Rosella (omg that tail!)
- Eastern Spinebill (was just about to leave when I saw it hopping around in the bushes)

One of these days I'll have to make a weekend of it. Half a day is too little time. :P

Annie W
Annie W's picture

Beautiful x 9!!  Sounds & looks like a fantastic day windshear (or half-day anyway wink).  That little Yellow-throated Scrubwren is just adorable & I agree, the female Regent Bowerbird is just as pretty with her different markings and colouration.  Hope it was cooler for you amongst the trees - 38 degrees?  Far out, that's getting a summers day a little early for sure smiley

West Coast Tasmania

windshear's picture

Yes, it was much much cooler up in the mountains and under the rainforest. laugh

I worry what summer is going to be like if this is spring. Eek! crying

darinnightowl's picture

Top spot to visit . Great shots.

See it!  Hear it!

Mid-North Coast NSW

Elsie's picture

Great photos!

I agree with windshear, what is summer going to be likefrown

Thanks for sharing such great photossmiley

thick_knee's picture

Very nice shots, I love them. What happened to the Bassian Thrush? I can't see it? (cryingone of my favourite birds)


windshear's picture

Oops, I guess I missed that one! Such a friendly little bird.

dicutting10's picture

great shots - it is nice to see new birds - that bower bird is impressive


narly's picture

Great pic's , good variety .

 Pardon my ignorance , but where is O'Reilly's retreat ?


windshear's picture

It's in Lamington National Park in southern qld... closish to the NSW border. 

narly's picture

Ah , yes . That's why it sounded familiar . I was planning a holiday in SE Qld & it was on the list.



ihewman's picture

Sorry to be a party pooper... but your thrush is actually a Logrunner female (identifyed by the orange throat).

Brandon (aka ihewman)

windshear's picture

ihewman wrote:

Sorry to be a party pooper... but your thrush is actually a Logrunner female (identifyed by the orange throat).


Hey, happy for my party to be pooped. (gee it sounds even weirder when you turn it around) laugh

The colours in the reference I had to compare with seemed a lot... more obvious... than the bird I found. From looking at the other photos I managed to grab I think you're right.

pacman's picture

You omitted to mention that bird #6 is a Wonga Pigeon


windshear's picture

pacman wrote:

You omitted to mention that bird #6 is a Wonga Pigeon

True, Peter. I had a lot of issues with that post (as evidenced by the rest of this thread, hehe) but I did manage to put it in the Alt-Text box for the photo. Some consolation, what? laugh

Reflex's picture

Having never seen some of these birds before, you've convinced me to check out this O'Reilly's for myself. Great shots.

Samford Valley Qld.

laza's picture

Lovely stuff, always great to see what is flying on the East Coast

Dont take life too seriously, it never ends well

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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