Australian Magpie Lark

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Araminta's picture
Australian Magpie Lark

I'm not too sure about this one? As far as I can see this in an older Juvenile changing into an adult bird.My book says:Male white eyebrow, black throat. So, where is the eyebrow in this one?

Immature dark bill and eye, white eyebrow and throat.

Female white face and throat.

So, therefore this one is???

Woko's picture

I think this one is a female, Araminta.

Elsie's picture

She's definately a femalesmiley She's looking a bit scrawny, but at this time of the year she's probably working hard to feed hungry babies. Lovely photos as always.

Araminta's picture

Thanks Woko & Elsie. For some reason I thought she might be a young one.She also looked a bit on the skinny sidecrying


windshear's picture

One of these cheeky little buzzards comes around at the crack of dawn pecking on my window and screeching at me. At least they go over to my neighbours to poop on their windowsills though. laugh

Araminta's picture

I know what you're talking about, we used to have one pecking at a window for hours on end early in the morning. Hasn't done it for some time. Knowing my luck,it'll turn up tomorrowfrown


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