Hi all
Slightly different challenge this week - I think it might be tough but we will give it a go. Each person gets to post one photo - the first person posts a photo with one bird in it, the second person posts a photo with 2 birds in it, the third person with 3 birds etc etc. Lets see how many we can get up to. If we get stuck on a number for 24 hours and someone who has already posted has a photo with that many birds in it, then they can post it.
How many do you think we can get to?
I think I get the toughest number of birds in one photo
Four Galahs.
What a great challenge!
My photo is of Plumed Whistling ducks at my dam. (Sorry about the quality, it's not my best photo ever
6 Grey Teals:
7 Cormorants:
8 Cormorants
Shorty......Canon gear
Magic!! 15 Cormorants
I have a photo with 54 cormorants if we get that far
Shorty......Canon gear
hahahaha I'm waiting for ''29'' ...My son is obsessed with this number .
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
I knew it.....if everyone waits for the higher numbers, it won't happen, we will be stuck.
Maybe not.
Nine Pelicans
Nine Pelicans - the 9th is in the distance.
Looks like you just beat me to the punch Rick N!
That's funny, we must have posting at the same time.
18 pelicans!
Ten Welcome Swallows. I think that's me done

Drat! I missed all the nice low numbers!
.......I can't count.....

24 hours since a legitimate entry, so i can post again.
12 Eastern Curlew.
Shorty......Canon gear
Nice work rawshorty, beautiful shot.
Thanks for reminding about the 24hr rule , I only just realised I had posted Ten Swallows before the 24hrs were up from my previous post. My bad, sorry about that.
Its not about being super strict, Rick isn't going to be wrapped over the knuckles for posting before 24 hours was up. Was just giving you all a challenge to take part in and see how far we can get with everyone counting up sequentially and I thought the 24 hour gap would give everyone an opportunity to contribute.
Glad people are enjoying something a little bit different
Thanks Holly,
My post apologising was more related to my possibly preventing someone else from posting.
If there aren't any rules to follow in this type of challenge, especially when they have clearly stated, then is sort of defeats the purpose of having the challenge. It's not about wether it's fun or not (which it is) but about fairness and giving as many people as possible a chance to show their photos, within the guidelines. In my opinion.
No worries at all Rick, totally understand. Its of course getting harder now with larger numbers. Anyone have a photo with 13 birds in it? Any chance we can hit 20 by the start of the next challenge?
Had a dig around
13 Silver Gulls.
14 Sulphur-crested Cockatoos, not my shot but belongs to another family member. A little reminiscent of "Where's Wally"
- can you spot them all?
West Coast Tasmania
I hope nobody minds me posting again
Here are my ducks again 15 of them this time. Mind you, I have photos of their flock with numbers all the way up to 50! No body panic though, I won't subject you all to 50 photos of silhouetted ducks
(Oh, I have a very sweet photo for number 16, but I don't want to post it if someone was waiting for number sixteen. please let me know if I can
Thanks, Holly. I do enjoy the challenge you are giving us lately. The 24hr thing was good to have as i could post 1 - 80+ pics in one sitting, not much fun for the others.
Relaxing the 24 hour rule is also good now as it would slow down to much if not relaxed.
The count however should not be relaxed, other wise what would be the point?
But of course it is up to you to make that a reality.
Shorty......Canon gear
I thik this is a great idea for a challenge Holly .... and the count is important as it is the whole idea of the challenge!! I agree rawshorty that we all have heaps of pics that we could enter in a row, but it is good to encourage others to have a go. I have been struggling to post this shot for two nights now!!! I have heaps I took this night but couldnt make the llinks work, then I realised I was using the Beta version of Flickr ... hopefully this will work now
16 White breasted Woodswallows roosting by the river in the evening .... you have to count the tails for a few of them :)
Sunshine Coast Queensland
thats a wonderful photo birdie, such beautiful birds .... looks a tight squeeze for the ones in the middle
Beautiful photo birdie! I could be wrong but I think I can count 17.
Really? I counted 18?
All good - we are up higher than I thought we would get and I am so glad everyone is enjoying it. Pressure is on now for next week!
I think it is fair to relax the 24 hour waiting period now too - as I said, it wasn't a case of super strict (I wasn't going to be removing photos etc) but now we can use our discretion I think. Wouldn't be fair for one person to post 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 birds in a row but we can all be sensible about it and maybe give a heads up if you have a few that might help. Make sense?
Perhaps we all need new glasses! So what is the next number to post - 17, 18 or 19?
I counted 17!
Lets go with 19 (but if anyone has a 16, 17 or 18 post that too!)... that way we cover all bases LOL
Here are sixteen Australian (maned) Wood ducks
I love the woodswallows birdie
Holly, I can't wait for next weeks challenge! This one has been such fun
Thanks Whistling duck and Desbee ..... Maybe I should have cropped the little bit of one at the end..... to be honest I could cover bases up to about 30 with a various cropping of these shots..... they were totally gorgeous all huddled up together, and Holly this has been a really fun challenge ... has sent me scurrying through all my shots to find flocks of birds..... it is funny how I find I usually shoot just one or two, I guess we are all the same really.
As far as the rules go, I do think it is a good idea to create some parameters around such things.... for one, the whole thing is about exact numbers so it would be pointless without the rules, and for two..... I am sure that there are people who are fairly silent much of the time that may enjoy the opportunity to get in and have a go, but maybe ... like me... it could take them at least 24 hours to find something. Great to have activities that involve more interaction of the group as a whole ... well done Holly

Sunshine Coast Queensland
17 Canadian geese
Haha, love that picture birdie - White breasted Woodswallows are just adorable.
Eighteen Starlings
OK, I know they are the rats of the sky but it might move us on to nineteen

19 Welcome Swallows on my friend's roof. (don't count the three left of the ladder twice, they didn't fit in the one photo

cropped out quite a few to get down to 20
Feral pigeon that were trying to avoid being a Peregrine Falcons dinner.
Shorty......Canon gear
I've been holding my breath to see if we got to 20 - now I can post 21 Cormorants (with 2 Darters)
I'm loving all these images!. Unless I get VERY lucky I doubt I will be adding any
Well the new challenge will start tommorrow so one more from me
22 Pied Oystercatcher
Shorty......Canon gear
Nice work!! Lovely panorama.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Have to post my last one before I go to bed, can't wait until midnight
Well, I can't count them, maybe you can?

Nice one Shoop and a beautiful tree. A fitting end to a great challenge.