Howdy everyone - its Monday so that is challenge day!
This week lets get through the alphabet - the guidelines are:
- Listing birds starting with A and going through to Z (there may be a couple of letters we need to bypass). If we get right through then we can start working backwards from Z.
- Sticking with the common name (official one) only - no scientific names except where there is no common name starting with that letter (e.g. X)
- Its the first letter of the first name only - not the first letter of the 2nd name (so no using honeyeater for the letter H)
- Only one photo/bird per letter (except when people accidently post at the same time)
- You can post more than once, but allow 2 other people to post before you enter again.
Lets kick this off with some Apostlebird's
Barn Owl :)
Birding Blog: Close Encounters of the Bird Kind
Crested pigeon
Dusky Moorhen
fan-tailed cuckoo
Birdie, It is the first letter, but you have no photo attached.
See it now.
Horsfield's Bronze-cuckoo
Birding Blog: Close Encounters of the Bird Kind
Indian Peafoul
Shorty......Canon gear
Think we missed J - ML - gosh are there any 'J' birds????
and yep birdie - the first letter of the full common name - sorry I should have specified full, thats my fault, sorry all!
M-L do you mind if we repost your kookaburra for L for Laughing Kookaburra?
Little Wattlebird.
Samford Valley Qld.
How about a Jabiru.
Magpie Lark
So are we still up to ''K'' then ? I can only think of 2 - Kelp Gull or King Parrot . Sadly I have neither
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
What about Kingfisher?
Samford Valley Qld.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
I agree Birdie, we should be going for N now so I will post New Holland Honeyeater.
Holly please help! Where are we up to now?
We still need a 'K' so lets get that one next - and then move on to P
Has anyone any photo's of a Kite or a Kestrel?
Samford Valley Qld.
There is no Kite or Kestrel with the first name beginning with K. The only bird I can find that is eligable is the Kelp Gull, even under the scientific names.Perhaps someone else with more knowledge than me can find one.
anyone have a kalkadoon grasswren by chance?
Kelp Gull
Because we have used the L M N and O can I put my Pomarine Jaegar down for P
Here is a KITE, a black-shouldered one

Now we are up to Q I think. Here is a Quail.
Pacman , you saved the day . Top job !!! On K and P .
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
OK, now for R a Red-kneed Dotterel.
Striated Pardalote
Shorty......Canon gear
Tree Martin
Yes I have to agree here with Birdie , it was starting to get very confusing and frustrating if the simple rules aren't followed .
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Finally some sanity, though U and V might be a challenge.
Oh thank goodness that's back on track! Have to agree, especially confusing coming in late to this sort of game when the guidelines are being completely disregarded.
Have no U or V birds of my own sorry but came up with these rather challenging ones,
Uniform Swiftlet
Upland Sandpiper
Varied, (Honeyeater, Lorikeet, Sittellla, Triller)
Variegated Fairy-wren
Victoria's Riflebird
West Coast Tasmania
I think U will need to be by-passed.
Uniform Swiftlet is a rare vagrant.
Upland Sandpiper, this tells the story.
Shorty......Canon gear
No field trip to the museum then
. I have an alphabetical listing here different to the Field Guides I have, there are no Q's or X's on that, and I think we can safely add U to that too
. Have some extra I, J & K's to suggest when we get back up there if anyone gets stuck.
So....V anyone?
West Coast Tasmania
As stated in the rules scientific names can be used when there is no common name, so for X we have a slim chance but a chance.
Regent and maclea's Honeyeater
Terek Sandpiper.
Shorty......Canon gear
In the interests of moving along, Variegated Fairy Wren
OK guys - I am out today and away from the computer but lets get back on track now thanks.
Sorry Holly, I don't want it to look like I disregarded your advice. Was posting as you were.
Ok Rick - I am going to remove the posts though that have got away from the topic. Please lets not keep this going and focus instead on posting photos.
White-bellied Sea-Eagle
West Coast Tasmania
Terek Sandpiper (Xenus cinereus)
Must be a new one, Peter? I checked your list that i have and didn't see it ticked.
And well done, i thought we may have to bypass X
Shorty......Canon gear
Yellow-tufted Honeyeater
Shorty......Canon gear
I should send you the current list, the TS was from my Darwin trip
Nice ones Pacman & Shorty. Anyone have a Zebra Finch or Zitting Cisticola? (even one of the White/silver eyes or Bassian/R-t Thrushes, for the latin names)?
West Coast Tasmania
Zosterops lateralis (Silvereye)
OK so I think we back to Y again , so here we have a Yellow Spoonbill.
Kerry - Perth, Western Australia.
Xenorhynchus asiaticus AKA Jabiru.
Wandering whistling Duck
Shorty......Canon gear