I took this photo last spring. The bird had a rather melodious call and hid itself well in the reeds.
Does anyone have any ideas as to what it could be?
Hi Ninox :) wouldn't be a Sittella of some sort?
Nice suggestion except that sittellas are usually found in trees and not in reeds. They also have either white or streaked bellies but this one's is a uniform brown. The sittellas in my area would have orange wing bars but this bird doesn't.
Thanks for the idea.
just a guess from looking from one end of my bird book to another - it was the only one i could find with a black eye patch
i've never seen a sittellas so it's all a guess
Looks like an Australian Reed Warbler to me.
Cheers, Owen.
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Hi Ninox :) wouldn't be a Sittella of some sort?
Nice suggestion except that sittellas are usually found in trees and not in reeds. They also have either white or streaked bellies but this one's is a uniform brown. The sittellas in my area would have orange wing bars but this bird doesn't.
Thanks for the idea.
just a guess from looking from one end of my bird book to another - it was the only one i could find with a black eye patch
i've never seen a sittellas so it's all a guess
Looks like an Australian Reed Warbler to me.
Cheers, Owen.