Any ideas?

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Ninox's picture
Any ideas?

I took this photo last spring. The bird had a rather melodious call and hid itself well in the reeds.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what it could be?



Hi Ninox :) wouldn't be a Sittella of some sort?

Ninox's picture

Nice suggestion except that sittellas are usually found in trees and not in reeds. They also have either white or streaked bellies but this one's is a uniform brown. The sittellas in my area would have orange wing bars but this bird doesn't.

Thanks for the idea.




just a guess from looking from one end of my bird book to another - it was the only one i could find with a black eye patch

i've never seen a sittellas so it's all a guess

Owen1's picture

Looks like an Australian Reed Warbler to me.

Cheers, Owen.

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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