Took this today of the male feeding the young.
Crikey, the parents must take a beating while they have young - lucky the two up the front weren't trying to have a turn too, lol. Wonderful stuff Shorty!
West Coast Tasmania
Thanks, Annie. The front two had just been fed by mum. They look quite brutal the way the eat
Shorty......Canon gear
Fantastic stuff shorty. Reminds me I should go see if the ones near my work are doing the breeding thing.
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Crikey, the parents must take a beating while they have young - lucky the two up the front weren't trying to have a turn too, lol. Wonderful stuff Shorty!
West Coast Tasmania
Thanks, Annie. The front two had just been fed by mum. They look quite brutal the way the eat
Shorty......Canon gear
Fantastic stuff shorty. Reminds me I should go see if the ones near my work are doing the breeding thing.