Australian Pipit

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sparrow's picture
Australian Pipit

I'm finding it really hard to get close to these guys just when you think the've stopped and you raise the camera there off on another mad dash through the grass and you have to start all over again its a huge crop but still the best I have done so far

pacman's picture

yes, typical A Pipit behaviour, back in Dec '12 I got very close to one at the Scarborough Boat Harbour, Qld but I think that it had modelling aspirations


Araminta's picture

That's exactly what they do, they always keep the same distance. As soon as you enter into that area they move. I have done this many times without getting close enough to take a good photo. So, well done Markyes



We all probably have different experiences in approaching different birds - i have found some pipits relatively easy to get close to.

Particularly with one pipit that always seems to be on top of a grassy hill nearby.  If i walk around to get well ahead of him so he is coming across the grass towards me, and then lie down on the grass, he is quite unconcerned about passing within 3 metres or so of me.  But he might well be a very bold pipit.

sparrow's picture

I have tried a few different ways of approaching them, this photo was taken using a home made ground pod basically its a old frying pan with an old tripod head mounted on it to which I mount the camera then I use the handle to push it ahead of me through the grass the trouble is finding them first walking through the padocks by the time I see them they have already seen me .


Hi Sparrow ... you can't be faulted for effort or ingenuity ... your pipits must be a lot more wary in your neck of the woods or paddocks

Araminta's picture

sparrow wrote:

I have tried a few different ways of approaching them, this photo was taken using a home made ground pod basically its a old frying pan with an old tripod head mounted on it to which I mount the camera then I use the handle to push it ahead of me through the grass the trouble is finding them first walking through the padocks by the time I see them they have already seen me .

.........I want to see a photo of it enlightened


birdie's picture

That is a great shot of one Sparrow.... i have trouble even seeing them when they are on the dried up grass and dirt. Your effort is certainly a lot better than any I have managed.

Sunshine Coast Queensland

Woko's picture

It gives a whole new meaning to "panning for a shot".

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