Australian Raven

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ungb's picture
Australian Raven

The reflective raven.

Chris 333
Chris 333's picture

Great job. Lovely variety of poses.  I'm impressed by how many good shots you got. Is it a regular visitor that you can get reasonably near to?

We have ravens that visit us but I can never get anywhere near them and they seem easily spooked by any human movements.  I guess it doesn't help that if they come within camera range on our block then the local magpies often chase them off too! 

Devster's picture

You can really see the difference here between the Ravens and the Torrisian Crows which we mainy get in Brisbane.

The hackles or beard is really evident in these pictures.

Looks like he is trying to figure you out in a few of the pics.

Thanks for sharing.

ungb's picture

You are right about ravens being easily spooked by the sight of humans, Chris.These photos were taken some 20m away from my balcony. He didn't hang around long once he noticed my presence. A very regal looking bird.


Good shots .... you caught the  sheen on those black feathers

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Nice series of shots there ungb. Making his feelings known in the last ☺

Reflex's picture

Interesting photos. He (assuming it is a "he") looks to almost have a beard going on and quite a well formed beard at that.

Samford Valley Qld.

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