Bell Miner Nest

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Bell Miner Nest

Found a new Bell Miner nest in Lane Cove National Park Sydney. From the twisting, shuddering and gyrations the female definitely trying a number of times to lay an egg.

Rick N
Rick N's picture

Nice shots WD,

Nest looks very spindly, hope there's not too many eggs.smiley

Reflex's picture

Nice find WD. It looks like a lightweight version of a nest unless it's the angle it was taken that makes it appear flimsy.

Samford Valley Qld.

Woko's picture

The illustration in Morcombe looks considerably more robust than this one. Perhaps government cuts require improvisation.


Thanks for the comments - not sure about the governement cuts Woko, I think they were still working on the nest, but its not dissimilar to other google images for Bell Miner Nest. I think it looks quite comfortable - like swaying in a hammock with a cool breeze blowing through.

Found a  delightful excerpt from a 1928 publication about Bell Miner nesting and photographing the nest in those days -


Had another visit today and they have done more work on the nest - a fine looking structure now. Lovely little birds - very soulful expressions. 

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