These were shot last Xmas at Elwood (near Melbourne) before I had my long Olympus 'birding lens'. There was a pandemonium of them feeding in a flowering eucalypt but mostly they were hidden. These were the best of a sorry lot.
Mon, 08/06/2009 - 08:55

Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour
Very colourful, aren't they ? I never tire of seeing these birds. Thanks for sharing, Tark. A pandemonium is the perfect collective noun for these birds.
Melbourne, VIC
Nice ones Tark.
Thanks George and Tassie. I can't claim authorship of "pandemonium" as a collective noun for parrots ... I googled for it.
Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour
good colors tark :)
Thanks aa, all had one helluva lot of Photoshop to correct exposures and pop the colours. Well, I did say they weren't shot with my Oly, didn't I! ;)
Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour
The colours are great - the pink branches give an arty effect
Thanks Birdgirl, but the branches are red before I ramped up the saturation just a tad perhaps.
Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour
Nice ones Tark. Do you find you get other types of Lorikeets in with the RAinbow's? We've currently got Scaley-breasted and Musk Lorikeets in amongst them feeding on the flowering Eucalypts here in Sydney.
Can't really answer that Gelmir. These specimens were shot at Xmas while I was in Melbourne, and I can't say yet whether we have any species of lorikeets in Tasmania at all. I'm only in my first year of birding and I'm a slow learner! :(
Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour
Hi Tark
You ought check out the "Bloggers" in Tasmania. There are a few of them.
Alan Fletcher publishes "Birds in Tasmania" as a blog.
He has a species list there, which includes the Musk Lorikeet. I have heard reports from other bloggers of Rainbows now "invading" Tasmania.
Worth while monitoring their postings.
Denis Wilson
Hi Denis, thanks for the drop on Alan's blog, it has a wealth of info relevant to my location. I have it bookmarked and will leave a comment for him later (mentioning that you referred me, if that's OK?).
Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour
Hi Tark
Yes, that's fine.
We bloggers try to help eachother (like birders).
Denis Wilson
I can confirm we used to get Musk Lorikeets over at Dodges Ferry, Tas, and also saw a few rainbow lorikeets.
Denis, thanks again. :)
zoidbergI don't get down there that often but that's interesting to know.
Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour