Red-rumped parrots and bird of prey

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Birdgirl2009's picture
Red-rumped parrots and bird of prey

This afternoon I went to a place in my suburb where I had seen red-rumped parrots a few weeks ago. I was lucky enough to see quite a few pairs. Quite unexpectedly I found 2 huge nests, then a short time later I saw their owners - I'm not sure which birds of prey they are. It is amazing what birds you find when you start looking.

GeorgeP's picture

Nice bunch of photo's, Birdgirl. The Red-rumped Parrots are my favourite parrot. How fortunate to have them in your suburb. I think the bird of prey may be a Whistling Kite.


Melbourne, VIC

Birdgirl2009's picture

Now I know where they are likely to be I'll try to get some better photos. Ten years ago they used to come into our backyard, but there has been too much development around us. At least they are still nearby. Sometimes I see them on a nature strip when I walk around.

aa's picture

nice find on the nests' owners birdgirl :)

 and   @birdsinbackyards
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