Rosellas and lorikeets

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Birdgirl2009's picture
Rosellas and lorikeets

Here are some birds I photographed this morning. The rosellas are still looking at the nesting box but don't seem to want to move in.

Raoul's picture

Those Rosellas are stunning,all good are lucky i have to drive km's hoping to see some birds like that..

Headsie's picture

beautiful shots Birdgirl.

Just a suggestion, you could put some extra perches up using old branches to get some photos with a more natural look. I dont mind seeing madmade objects but if you put some extra perches you will be able to have pictures of both.

Birdgirl2009's picture

Hi Raoul - it's hard to believe some of the most beautiful birds in the world come into our backyard
Hi Headsie - I agree - natural is best, especially when they are on native plants. Until you said that I didn't realise I don't have any photos of the rosellas that aren't either in the feeder or on the nesting box. We have 2 gum trees with nice branches. I'm practicing getting good sharp photos, so the feeder is the easiest way - also when they are in the trees they are often too dark because they are in the shade or have dappled sun, which doesn't look very good. Here are some old favourites in our yard:

Headsie's picture

Wonderful shots Birdgirl, setting up some natural perches near the feeder will help get them in the right light, but after seeing your new shots you dont have to worry about that.

birdie's picture

Birdgirl - you obviously live in an aviary!! The rest of us mere mortals have to survive without these rich colours to feast our eyes on every day!! I get them in big numbers, but they are mainly in the treetops so I hear them rather than see them and when I do see them it is more like vivid fly bys and flashes.

Beautiful shot on the bottlebrush. Aren't you glad you live in Australia :^D



Sunshine Coast Queensland

Birdgirl2009's picture

I thought that myself when the photos came up on my post and I saw the lorikeet beside the rosella. They really are gorgeous. I'm hoping to get some photos of king parrots and red-rumped parrots which Ive seen in our suburb recently.

GeorgeP's picture

Lovely pictures of the beautiful birds that visit your garden, Birdgirl. Were any of them taken with the 1.7TC ? Thanks for sharing.


Melbourne, VIC

Birdgirl2009's picture

Hi George
Yes all the first lot were. The other ones are ones I took a while ago with this camera. I have left the tele conversion lens on the camera so I can get lots of practice.

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