Townsville garden in December

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ed's picture
Townsville garden in December

Townsville garden in December.

I’ve been a bit busy lately, not much time to comment but I see a lot of good photos being posted. Here are my best garden shots from December. Hope you all had a great Xmas and are planning a great new year.
Yellow Honeyeater
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White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike
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Dusky Honeyeater, only see this guy in the garden a couple of times a year.
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Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo
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Great Bowerbird, showing lilac crest.
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Rainbow Bee-eater
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rainbow Bee-eater
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Rainbow Lorikeet
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Love the Bee-eaer, my fav. bird, some nice birds coming in december for you, well done. Tops shots/

heva1's picture

Hi Ed, beautiful shots as always from you.
Do you mind me asking if you have a large garden? and presumably planted with all natives to attract such an array of birds?
The bowerbird is excellent showing it's lilac crest. The Bee Eaters I am VERY jealous of... in your garden? you lucky person!
Happy New Year to you too!

Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best


Gidday Ed I hope you had a great Xmas to mate. Nice shots and a good collection of birds you have got there Ed.
There is a spot in Airlie Beach I found that is lousy with Dusky Honeyeaters,nice bird in the right light.

GeorgeP's picture

Another great selection of birds, ed. That garden is a birdwtcher's paradise. I love that Bowerbird. Happy new year to you and I look forward to seeing more of your excellent shots.


Melbourne, VIC

birdie's picture

Wow Ed, a superb collection as usual. the feather detail is exquisite as are the colours. Love them all but I really like the lighting & composition in the yellow honeyeater. It's always a treat to visit your garden.

Have a great 2010



Sunshine Coast Queensland

joanneh's picture

hey Ed is there more water at the wetlands now we have had some rain? Looks like our farm has been sold so in the process of shifting at the moment

birdie's picture

Hey JoanneH, didn't want to reply in that other thread that turned bad but I was wondering , did you realise that the catbird you took was the spotted one? ( Sorry to hijack your thread Ed) Mine is different and doesn't have that black patch
on it's face.
I think they might only be up your way.

Sorry again Ed, just wanted to catch Joanne without using the screaming cats thread.



Sunshine Coast Queensland

heva1's picture

well I'm sorry to hijack your thread too Ed, just wanted to say thanks for the support Amateur, Birdie and Tassie in the 'thread gone bad'! hopefully someone's getting some anger management and doesn't come back 'til he's finished the course!

Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best


Not a problem Hev.

joanneh's picture

yes birdie i did know it was a soppet catbird, been up there again and got another good one of him tooo. as far as that other thread some one forgot to take his happy pills i just ignore them

ed's picture

Hi all
Thanks for the comments,
No problem with the thread hi-jack...I totally missed the 'thread gone bad'. (I'm pleased to say)
Jo. Lots of water on the Towncommon, all lagoons are full, I have only managed a short pm visit, but a lot of the waterbirds are back.
Tassie, checking out the 'Catbird thread' and I noticed your discription of the catbird display area..can't help but think you have mixed it up with the Tooth-billed Bowerbird, can't say I've ever seen (or seen discribed) a display area for a spotted Catbird (nothern species).

Ed Townsville NQ

ed's picture

Not a large garden 1/4 acre, but lots of trees and across the road out the front we have bushland.

Ed Townsville NQ

birdie's picture

I read that they don't display Ed and have a loose leaf nest off the ground. I saw them briefly today when the Koel was around but they didn't come out like the other day and hang around.
maybe they aren't nesting, I'll have to wait and see.



Sunshine Coast Queensland

joanneh's picture

the toothbilled has a bower around a tree they get the leaves and turn the shinny side up and then dance around the tree seen it at paluma also found the golden bowerbird bower as well but he was not home, they say he has finished till september and the toothbilled has finished mating up at paluma as well now , still have the great bowerbird visiting me every day here .and i really will have to get out to townsville again now ed


Gidday Ed, the Catbird is the bird I was refering to mate, no mix up.
The Tooth-Billed Bowerbird does the same thing but is fussy in regards to the shade of green on the undersides of its leaves and the number of leaves it uses,in addition,this Bowerbird will replace its leaves at the first sign of wilting and picks them up and uses them in his display when a female is near.
Another thing that is worth noting is that Catbirds have no ceremonial reasons for doing this,the leaves are not used in courtship.
It is not known why they even bother arranging the leaves in the first place.

I can understand how you thought I mixed it up as they are similiar in their habits.

guzzi's picture

Some nice shots Ed, I've had some good visitor's to my garden as well but the photo's aren't as good as them.


NicoLitwin's picture

the lorikeet photo is really good, the light is awesome, the birds in Australia are wonderful!

bushanwater's picture

Great work and beautiful birds as usual Ed. Good to see you back thought you might have been washed away with all the rain.

See Yez

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