What noise annoys a Noisy Minor?

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tarkineus's picture
What noise annoys a Noisy Minor?

I sat in deep shade beneath a leafy tree in a bushland reserve with my camera over my knees until a Noisy Minor landed no more than a few metres from me and began to forage in the grass. I kept very still as I clicked away, these are the pick of what I got.

smeedingo2's picture

HI Tark
Nice shots mate. It's a pity that they are a pest to the other birds and are so noisy.

Lyn's picture

I used to see these in our yard, but haven't had them for a while now. Nice shots - a bird with attitude!

heva1's picture

Hi Tark, great shots, love the first one...he looks very annoyed!did you get any other bird shots for all your effort and patience?

Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best

GeorgeP's picture

Nice shots, Tark. Very sharp, too. In our neighbourhood, they are the bullies of the park.


Melbourne, VIC

tarkineus's picture

Hi smeedingo2, A pity indeed, they are quite attractive really.
Hi Lyn, It's a good description ... "a bird with attitude"!

g'day heva1, no, I only got Minors. There were other species but I was hampered by D&Js who kept scaring them away.
Thanks George, these are the first of the Minors that I've seen since I started taking notice.

Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour

Birdgirl2009's picture

The second one is very sharp with good eye detail. The green on the wing is quite pretty

tarkineus's picture

Thanks Birdgirl. Unfortunately the Minors (there were 3 at one point) chose to land where from my position they were largely backlit. Too many shots were lost by the Spot AF hitting a blade of grass in front of the subject - with less than a pair of steady hands that's very easy to do!

Regards, "Tark" - Olympus 4/3rds colour

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